[DL] KI-2004 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics -- 2nd Call for Papers
Carsten Lutz
clu at tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de
Thu Jun 17 10:21:28 CEST 2004
KI-2004 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics -- ADL'04
Ulm, Germany, September 2004
Workshop homepage: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~seanb/adl/
KI2004 homepage: http://ki2004.uni-ulm.de/
Recent years have seen a growing interest in description logics and
their applications. On the one hand, this interest is due to the
development of very expressive description logics supported by highly
optimized reasoning systems. On the other hand, several exciting new
applications have been proposed, such as the use of DL technology as a
``backbone'' of the Semantic Web. In the same spirit as the previous
workshops on applications of description logics, ADL'01 and ADL'02,
this workshop intends to gather researchers as well as practitioners
who are interested in description logics and their applications. Some
examples of topics of interest are:
* Applications, for instance from the following areas:
- Semantic web and Grid (with langugaes such as OWL/DAML+OIL/RDF/RDFS)
- Databases
- Natural language processing
- Medicine and bioinformatics
- Software engineering (e.g., formalizing UML or ER)
- Knowledge engineering
- Process engineering, services, and scheduling
- Temporal and spatial reasoning
- Reasoning about actions, services, business processes, etc.
* Experiences in applying reasoners (e.g., FaCT, Racer, etc.) and/or
ontology interfaces (e.g., OilEd, Protege, RICE, etc)
- Success stories
- Unsatisfactory runtime behavior for answering specific queries
- Problems that cannot be dealt with at the moment
* Experiences in applying or implementing description logic techniques
- Hard inference problems
- Computation of least common subsumers, most-specific subsumers,
rewriting, unification, and approximation algorithms
- Architectures for DL sytems
- Management of TBoxes and ABoxes
- Requirements for APIs
- Requirements for description logics from practical modeling
The workshop notes will be made available in electronic format via CEUR
workshop proceedings (http://www.CEUR-WS.org/).
*** Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 23rd, 2004
Notification deadline: August 8th, 2004
Workshop: (one of) 20/21/24 September 2004
*** Submission Details
To submit to ADL'04, please submit a paper not exceeding 10 pages that
is formatted following the example LaTeX file that can be found at
You can view a compiled version of this example file at
Please send submissions to lutz at tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de until July 23rd.
*** Registration
Registration is via the web pages of the KI 2004 conference. Note
that ADL'04 participants need NOT register for the main conference.
*** Organizing and Program Committee
Volker Haarslev, Computer Science Department, Concordia University,
Carsten Lutz, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, TU Dresden,
Ralf Moeller, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg,
Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester, seanb at cs.man.ac.uk
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