[DL] [DL Seminar] Next seminar on the 7th of February by Meghyn Bienvenu

Bartosz Bednarczyk bartosz.bednarczyk at cs.uni.wroc.pl
Thu Jan 30 09:28:51 CET 2025

Dear Description Logic Community Members,
We are happy to announce that the next DL Seminar will take place on the
7thth of January at 2pm CE(S)T via Zoom.
Our next speaker is Meghyn Bienvenu from the University of Bordeaux and she
will present her work "Repair-Based Semantics for Querying Inconsistent
Data: From Databases to Knowledge Bases and Back".
The abstract and Zoom's link is provided below.
See you all there!
Bartosz Bednarczyk (on behalf of the DL Seminar Organizing Team)


Repair-Based Semantics for Querying Inconsistent Data: From Databases to
Knowledge Bases and Back
Consistent query answering was introduced twenty-five years ago as a
principled means of querying inconsistent databases. It is based upon a
simple idea: when it is impossible or infeasible to identify the true
consistent part of the data, then define instead a space of possible
repairs (consistent databases that ‘minimally’ differ from the input
database) and output those query answers that hold w.r.t. every repair.
This approach has subsequently inspired an active line of research within
the DL community, which has extended and adapted the framework to the case
of inconsistent knowledge bases (consisting of a dataset and an ontology).
In this talk, I will survey recent advances on repair-based semantics and
highlight the insights that have been gained, considering both the database
and ontology settings.
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