[DL] [ESWC 2025 Workshop/Tutorial Call] : Deadline Approaching by Dec 5 2024

Dr. Sanju Tiwari sanju.tiwari.2007 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 17:19:00 CET 2024

Dear Community,

Workshops and Tutorials Deadline approaching at ESWC 2025. Please submit
your contributions.

* Deadlines*

*==========*Proposal Submission Deadline: *December 5*, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: *December 12*, 2025

*Submission Process*
Detailed submission guidelines and proposal templates can be found on the
Call for Workshops and Tutorials page:

Submit your proposal via the given EasyChair Link. Please include all
required information as per the guidelines.

For questions or clarifications, feel free to contact the Workshop and
Tutorial Chairs at the  given email address.

We look forward to your innovative and impactful proposals.

Best regards,
ESWC 2025 Publicity Chairs

Dr. Sanju Tiwari (CEO & Founder of Shodhguru Research Labs)
Professor, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India
Research Fellow of ORKG, TIB Hannover, Germany
Visiting Researcher, InfAI, Leipzig University, Germany
External Expert, University of Lubeck, Germany
Visiting Researcher, Vienna University, Austria
DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow
General Chair *KGSWC 2020-24, AI4S 2023-24*
http://www.kgswc.org <http://www.kgswc.org/indo-american/>/
"Do what you love, Love what you do"
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