[DL] Research Fellow Positions ("Assego di Ricerca") in Ontology-Based Access to Temporal and Graph Data (OnTeGra)

Ortiz de la Fuente, Maria Magdalena magdalena.ortiz at tuwien.ac.at
Wed Nov 27 14:31:13 CET 2024

Dear colleagues,

the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (UNIBZ) is opening two renewable 1-year research fellow positions ("Assegno di Ricerca") within the project "Ontology-based access to Temporal and Graph Data" (OnTeGra), funded by the Province of Bozen-Bolzano under the call "Suedtirol - FWF", a collaboration between South Tyrol/Alto Adige and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

This project involves research teams from the UNIBZ, the Technische Universitaet Wien, and the company Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH located in Graz (Austria).

The research focuses on applied and foundational work in query rewriting techniques for Property Graphs annotated with temporal information. Specifically, the research activities will include:

- Designing algorithms for query answering over property graphs with temporal data.
- Extending these algorithms to incorporate semantics from domain ontologies.
- Investigating scenarios with virtual data, where data is accessed through declarative mappings to sources.
- Implementing the proposed techniques in a prototype system.

More details: https://www.inf.unibz.it/~dlanti/ontegra.html

Link to the Call: https://www.unibz.it/en/home/position-calls/positions-for-academic-staff/7383-informatics-prof-calvanese-diego?group=18

Deadline for applications: 4th December 2024.

For further information, contact Dr. Davide Lanti dalanti at unibz.it<mailto:dalanti at unibz.it>

Best regards,

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