Raoul Koudijs Raoul.Koudijs at uib.no
Mon Jul 17 15:35:33 CEST 2023

The 17th International Rule Challenge is one of the highlights of the RuleML+RR conference and creates friendly competition among innovative rule-oriented tools, prototypes and applications, aimed at research, industry, and government.

In the 2023 edition of the challenge we give the opportunity to not only present results on self-introduced challenges but also to describe open challenges to be addressed by the community. Particularly, we welcome two kinds of submissions:

  1.  Challenge proposals: Papers describing open challenges, interesting problems from academia or industry, and benchmarks which are of interest for the community and can be solved by rule-based approaches, including task description, datasets, and evaluation criteria.

  1.  Challenge solutions: Papers supplying benchmarking or comparison results for rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques, illustrating rule- and model-driven engineering, reporting on case studies and industrial experiences, and realizing mobile deployment of rule-based reasoning.

Specific challenges for this year are listed below from contributors:

  *   Rule Engines Benchmarking, submitted by Kevin Angele, Semantic Technology Institute, University of Innsbruck, Austria.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bNCbGoOc28uYffGBO_5aNVJ2n-r4Uiipqf9gUfFT2Pk/edit?usp=sharing>

The best challenge paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Rule Challenge award 2023. The assessment criteria include originality, creativity together with feasibility.

Key themes of the Rule Challenge include, but are not limited to the following:

  *   Rule-based machine learning tools and techniques

  *   Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems

  *   Rule-based Event Processing and Stream Reasoning

  *   Business Rules Modelling

  *   Rule standardization for research, industry and government

  *   Graph-Relational Data and Knowledge systems

  *   Higher-Order-Logic and Modal-Logic systems

  *   Rule and Ontology combinations

  *   Modular Rule systems

  *   Distributed Rule systems / multi-agent systems

  *   Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) systems

  *   Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems

  *   Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) systems

  *   Blockchain Rule systems

  *   Defeasible, Argumentation, and Legal systems

  *   (Controlled) Natural language interfaces

  *   Distributed rule bases and rule services

  *   Rules and model-driven engineering

  *   Reports on industrial experience about rule systems

  *   Combining rules with knowledge extraction and information retrieval

  *   Rules and social media

Submission and Publication

The challenge seeks high quality, original papers, potentially referencing online material, and ranging between 8-15 pages (in the CEUR-WS.org style template CEURART (1-column variant), available at:




Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper  via:


via the Rule Challenge 2023 track.

To ensure high quality, submissions will be carefully peer-reviewed by at least 3 PC members and external reviewers. Submissions should address the following, where possible:

  *   Provide a clear task description, all the relevant datasets, and the evaluation criteria at least in one dimension such as performance, correctness, and completeness (for challenge descriptions).

  *   Explain the objectives, outcomes, benefits as you are going beyond the state of the art in technology, the application domain, etc.

  *   Demonstrate the results with a concrete example balancing conciseness and completeness.

  *   Preferably (but not necessarily) embed the tool in a web-based or distributed environment or a mobile environment.

  *   Present end-user interactions, providing an adequate and usable interface that favors a concrete usage of the application.

  *   Mention the availability of the software and data, data interchange, and possible tool extensions.

  *   Provide a web-link to the project site, online demonstration, or download site.

Important Dates

  *   July 17th, July 21st, 2023: Paper submission deadline (EXTENDED)

  *   July 31st, August 11st, 2023: Notification of acceptance (EXTENDED)

  *   September 18th-20th (exact date TBA): Rule Challenge

For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.



Jan Vanthienen<https://janvanthienen.net/>, KU Leuven, Belgium

Tomáš Kliegr<https://www.kliegr.eu/>, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic

Paul Fodor<https://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~pfodor/>, Stony Brook University, USA

Program Committee

Ahmet Soylu, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Andreas Billig, FhG Fokus, Germany

Antonis Bikakis, University College London, UK

Barış Sertkaya, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Bettina Finzel, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany

Doerthe Arndt, TU Dresden, Germany

Dominik Tomaszuk, University of Bialystok, Poland

Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China

Kevin Angele, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles, University of St Andrews, UK

Martin Giese, University of Oslo, Norway

Roman Bauer, University of Surrey, UK

Shashishekar Ramakrishna, EY - AI Labs / Free University of Berlin, Germany

Stephan Mennicke, TU Dresden, Germany

William Van Woensel, University of Ottawa, Canada

Yuheng Wang, Stony Brook University, USA

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