[DL] Open faculty position at Télécom Paris on Language, Knowledge and AI

Antoine Amarilli a3nm.dl at a3nm.net
Fri Mar 4 16:34:36 CET 2022

Dear DL mailing-list,

Telecom Paris <https://www.telecom-paris.fr/>, one of the top French
Graduate Schools of Engineering, offers a full-time tenured academic
position as Associate Professor in the area of Artificial Intelligence,
with a focus on knowledge, AI, and NLP.

The candidate will join the DIG team (Data, Intelligence, Graphs)
<https://dig.telecom-paristech.fr/>, starting September 2022.

The candidate is expected to have strong skills in at least one of the
following fields:

- Natural Language Processing
- Knowledge representation
- Logic, reasoning
- Online learning
- Data exploration
- Cognitive modeling

Online application:
Deadline for application: March 28, 2022.

Best regards,

Antoine Amarilli
Associate professor in DIG at Telecom Paris

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