[DL] ERC funded Postdoc position - formal methods

Nir Piterman nir.piterman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 12:52:53 CET 2021

University of Gothenburg

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher for a two-year position in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
Gothenburg to work with Professor Nir Piterman on Distributed Synthesis.

The position is part of the ERC Consolidator funded project “dSynMA:
Distributed Synthesis from Single to Multiple Agents”. The aims of the
project are to develop theoretical foundations that will enable to apply
reactive synthesis from temporal specifications to work for multiple
agents. This includes studying two-player games and their solutions,
modelling solutions for interacting agents, and studies of temporal and
modal logic.

Specifically, research will focus on the following objectives:

   1. Consider modelling frameworks that combine message passing and
   variable sharing allowing for synchronization as well as passage of
   2. Work on algorithmic analysis of games that arise from combinations of
   multiple agents supporting rich modelling features. This includes analysis
   of partial information games and applications of abstraction and
   compositionality to games analysis.
   3. Study specification languages that allow to reason about how agents
   interact as well as what are their goals. Algorithmically analyse games
   that arise from such specifications.

Further details about application are here:
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