[DL] Open positions at LaBRI, Bordeaux on Intelligent Handling of Imperfect Data

Meghyn Bienvenu meghyn.bienvenu at labri.fr
Wed Nov 11 10:43:53 CET 2020

[Apologies for cross-posting, please forward to interested parties] 

Dear all, 

The LaBRI research lab in Bordeaux, France is currently seeking highly motivated candidates with experience in knowledge representation & reasoning, database theory, or related areas to take part in the new INTENDED AI Chair (intended.labri.fr), whose aim is to develop intelligent, knowledge-based methods for handling imperfect data. 

Currently, we have one Master's internship, one PhD position, and one postdoc position available. Detailed job postings can be found here: [ https://intended.labri.fr/hiring.html | https://intended.labri.fr/hiring.html ] 

If you're interested, or want more information, please get in touch! 

Best regards, 

Meghyn Bienvenu 
CNRS Researcher at LaBRI, Bordeaux 
[ https://www.labri.fr/perso/meghyn/ | https://www.labri.fr/perso/meghyn/ ] 
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