[DL] German Journal of Artificial Intelligence (KI) / Special Issue on Ontologies and Data Management

Mantas Simkus simkus at dbai.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Sep 6 13:52:43 CEST 2019

(German Journal of Artificial Intelligence (KI))

The German Journal of Artificial Intelligence (KI – Künstliche Intelligenz) plans a special issue on Ontologies and Data Management (ODM), which will provide an opportunity to attract the attention of the broader audience to research on reasoning in the presence of possibly large / heterogeneous / incomplete data. The special issue is envisioned to feature technical contributions, system descriptions, reports on current or recent projects, and PhD or habilitation theses.

We invite contributions on all aspects of ontologies and data management that are accessible to a broad audience, including but not limited to:
- Query answering: standard semantics, bag semantics, inconsistency-tolerant semantics
- Further inference tasks in the presence of data: learning, materialization, non-monotonic reasoning
- Decidability and complexity analyses
- Ontology languages and extensions: description logics (DLs), rule-based languages, first-order logic
- Combinations of ontology languages with other formalisms such as temporal logic, probabilities, action formalisms 
- Applications related to ODM
- Systems and tools related to ODM

*GUEST EDITORS: Thomas Schneider (thomas.schneider at uni-bremen.de) and Mantas Šimkus (simkus at dbai.tuwien.ac.at)

We invite the following types of contributions (recommended page numbers refer to the two-column Springer style, which can be found at https://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/13218?detailsPage=pltci_1060171 under the field “Text”):
- technical papers (6-10 pages)
- system descriptions (4-6 pages)
- project reports (4-6 pages)
- abstracts of PhD or habilitation theses (2-4 pages)
- discussions (personal opinions about topics relevant to ODM with the intent to start, continue, or complete discussions; 4-8 pages)

Submissions due                       	31 October, 2019 (technical papers)
				                      	30 November, 2019 (remaining types of submissions)
Notification 					Early January, 2020
Final versions due                    	25 January, 2020

Please contact the guest editors for more information regarding the submission system.

The Scientific journal “KI – Künstliche Intelligenz” is the official journal of the division for artificial intelligence within the "Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V." (GI) – the German Informatics Society – with contributions from throughout the field of artificial intelligence. The journal presents all relevant aspects of artificial intelligence – the fundamentals and tools, their use and adaptation for scientific purposes, and applications which are implemented using AI methods – and thus provides the reader with the latest developments in and well-founded background information on all relevant aspects of artificial intelligence. For all members of the AI community the journal provides quick access to current topics in the field and promotes vital interdisciplinary interchange.

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