Mark Hoogendoorn m.hoogendoorn at vu.nl
Tue Jan 22 09:21:20 CET 2019

Are you a knowledgeable expert in the area of Computational Intelligence 
with a PhD degree? Would you like to shape the future of AI and teach 
students about the state-of-the art techniques? Please apply at Vrije 
Universiteit Amsterdam.

*Job description*
The position is within the Computational Intelligence Group that has a 
special focus on adaptivity and personalization in (groups of) devices 
that collaborate with each other and humans. In short, we are 
researching “learning machines” with applications ranging from robotics 
to health care. Techniques we use and develop include machine learning, 
reinforcement learning, evolutionary computing, neuro-computing, as well 
as swarms and collective intelligence. We are looking for a colleague 
with a fitting expertise to maintain a stream of high quality 
publications, acquire external research grants, conduct excellent 
teaching, and show Departmental citizenship.

*Your duties*

  * strengthen and extend the CI research programme, seek collaborations
    and synergies
  * acquire and manage research grants, supervise project staff, incl.
    PhD students
  * teach 2-3 courses a year from our portfolio embedded in the
    Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics program
  * supervise Bachelor and Master students of the Artificial
    Intelligence and the Business Analytics programs
  * participate in departmental committee


  * research profile (PhD-thesis) in a relevant area
  * articles in peer-reviewed international journals and proceedings of
    major international conferences
  * teaching skills, experience with supervising Bachelor, Master, and
    preferably PhD students
  * experience in acquisition of external research funding
  * experience in business practice in the area of Business Analytics is
    considered an advantage

*What are we offering?*
A challenging position in a socially involved organization. On full-time 
basis the remuneration amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of 
€3,545 and a maximum €5,513 in accordance with salary scale 11 or 12, 
depending on your education and experience. The job profile (assistant 
professor) is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant 
for at least 1 FTE.

This is a tenure track position; the initial appointment will be for a 
period of five years. Based on performance indicators agreed at the 
start of the appointment, a tenure track position will lead to a tenured 
position in a period of maximally 5 years. In the fifth year of the 
appointment the tenure decision will be taken.

Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe 
benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life 
balance, such as:

  * a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
  * 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  * considerable employer’s contribution to the ABP pension scheme
  * contribution to commuting expenses
  * optional model for designing a personalized benefits package

*About Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam*
The ambition of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is clear: to contribute to 
a better world through outstanding education and ground-breaking 
research. And to be a university where personal education and societal 
involvement play a leading role. Where people from different disciplines 
and backgrounds work together on innovations and on generating new 
knowledge. Our teaching and research embrace the whole spectrum of 
science – from the humanities, the social sciences and the pure sciences 
through to the life sciences and the medical sciences.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is home to more than 23,000 students. We 
employ more than 4,500 individuals. The VU campus is easily accessible, 
located in the heart of Amsterdam’s Zuidas district, a truly inspiring 
environment for teaching and research.

*The Faculty of Science*
The Faculty of Science inspires researchers and students to find 
sustainable solutions for complex societal issues. From forest fires to 
big data, from obesity to medicines and from molecules to the moon: our 
teaching and research programmes cover the full spectrum of the natural 
sciences. We share knowledge and experience with leading research 
institutes and industries, both here in the Netherlands and abroad.

Working at the Faculty of Science means working with students, PhD 
candidates and researchers, all with a clear focus on their field and a 
broad view of the world. We employ more than 1,250 staff members, and we 
are home to around 6,000 students.

*About the department, institute, project*
The Department of Computer Science has approximately 200 members, 
including 35 tenured staff members and 50-60 PhD students. The tenured 
staff members form the essential basis for the functioning of the 
department. A tenured staff member is required to make significant 
contributions to the research and education programs, and to spend 
effort on administrative tasks at the department level. The 
Computational Intelligence Group is one of the three AI research groups 
in the department and is co-responsible for the AI education program. 
Additionally, the CI Group plays an important role in the Business 
Analytics education program coordinated by the Mathematics department. 
For more information please visit https://www.cs.vu.nl/ci/

Diversity is one of our university’s core values. We are an inclusive 
community, and we believe that diversity and international activities 
enhance the quality of education and research. We are always looking for 
people who can enhance diversity on our campus thanks to their 
background and experience.

Are you interested in this position? Send us an e-mail with a cover 
letter, a curriculum vitae and a research and teaching statement by 
January, 31st. Mention vacancy "ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (UD) IN 

Name:                   Prof. Dr. A.E. Eiben
Position:                Head of the Computational Intelligence Group
E-mail:                   informatica.secretariaat.beta at vu.nl

Vacancy questions
If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:

Name:                   Prof. Dr. A.E. Eiben
Position:                Head of the Computational Intelligence Group
E-mail:                  a.e.eiben at vu.nl
Telephone:           +31 (20) 59 87758

Relocation support
If you have any questions regarding moving to Amsterdam, and working at 
VU Amsterdam, you may contact:

Name:                   Wytske Siegersma
Position:                Relocation Advisor
E-mail:                  relocations at vu.nl
Telephone:           +31 (20) 59 85037

No agencies

Dr. Mark Hoogendoorn
Associate Professor
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science
De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands
tel. +31 20 598 7772 mob. +31 653922626
url. http://www.cs.vu.nl/~mhoogen/

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