[DL] Call for Workshop Proposals - EANN/AIAI 2019

smap-publicity at image.ntua.gr smap-publicity at image.ntua.gr
Sat Nov 3 00:27:31 CET 2018

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--------------------------- 1st Call for Workshop Proposals ---------------------------

20th EANN (Engineering Applications of Neural Networks) 
15th AIAI 2019 (Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations) 
Joint Conference
Crete, Greece
May 24-26, 2019

http://aiai2019.eu  - http://eann2019.eu


The 15th AIAI 2019 is technically sponsored by the (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, WG12.5)
The 20th EANN is Technically sponsored by the INNS (International Neural Network Society -EANN special interest group).

Island of Crete, 5-star Knossos Royal Aldemar Resort, https://www.aldemar-resorts.gr/ 
Special prices (i.e., Half Board, Breakfast and Lunch) are arranged for the conference participants. 

Aim and topics
Both conferences promote the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques, where significant benefits can be derived from their use. Proposals for Workshops that examine emerging, innovative, or otherwise provocative issues within the conference area are encouraged. Workshop proposals should include a 1-2 page summary of the topic and the names and affiliations of 3-4 chairs and program committee members who have made a commitment to participate. A mix of industry and academic panel members is desirable. In the page summary the organizers should present clearly:
1. The motivation of the workshop and its relatedness to the topics of AIAI or EANN 2019,
2. The specific topics covered and possible application areas,
3. The reviewing process, and the expected number of participants; please note that the reviewing process should be the same as the one followed by the main events,
4. If the same workshop has been organized before in EANN/AIAI related conferences and why its continuation is favoured.

The topics of the proposed workshops should concern various aspects of Artificial Intelligence (techniques, research areas, engineering applications, et al.). 

Workshops' proceedings will be published in AIAI/EANN 2019's proceedings volume.

Special Issues
Based on the reviewers' comments and on the actual paper presentation during the workshop, as well as after going through an additional second peer review round, a number of 
selected papers from the main event and workshops will be published in special issues of international indexed scientific Journals of high impact, namely: 
A. Special Issue of the Neural computing and Applications Springer journal, Impact Factor 4.2
B. Special Issue of the Evolving Systems Springer journal

Prospective schedule of deadlines
Workshop proposal submission: November 28, 2018
Notification of workshop acceptance: December 15, 2018
Paper submission deadline: February 9, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: March 3, 2019
Conference dates: May 24-26, 2019

Proposal submission
All submissions and inquiries regarding the workshops should be directed to the attention of all three Workshop Chairs: 
- Phivos Mylonas, fmylonas at ionio.gr
- Christos Makris, makri at ceid.upatras.gr
- Spyros Sioutas, sioutas at ceid.upatras.gr

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