[DL] Post-doc position at ENS Lyon

Russ Harmer russ.harmer at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 12:40:42 CET 2016

The PLUME team of the LIP laboratory at the ENS Lyon is seeking candidates for a post-doctoral position financed by the 'Communicating with Computers' DARPA program for the Bio-curation use case. The project concerns the development of methods and tools for the formalization and analysis of protein-protein interaction networks in the framework of rule-based modeling.

Some experience with logic programming would be a major advantage. Experience in any of the following fields would also be an advantage: graph transformation, causality, rule-based modeling, ontologies, formal logic.

Candidates should have, or be about to compete, a PhD / doctoral degree. The position is for 12 months with possibility of contract renewal.

Interested candidates should send a CV, motivation letter and contact details of referees to russell.harmer at ens-lyon.fr.

Russ Harmer
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