[DL] [ANN] Posters, position papers, and participation: KESW-2015 (Moscow, Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2015)

Pavel Klinov pavel.klinov at uni-ulm.de
Sun Aug 2 23:47:41 CEST 2015

Please forward to interested parties

http://2015.kesw.ru/, https://twitter.com/keswconference

Moscow, Russia

September 30, 2015 -- October 2, 2015

6th Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (KESW) is an
international event dedicated to discussing research results and
directions in the areas related to Linked Data, knowledge
representation and reasoning, and semantic technologies.

While the deadline for full research papers has passed, there's still
time to submit your poster or position paper. Posters is an
opportunity to informally present your research approach and results
during the poster session of the conference. Position papers are means
of presenting preliminary research ideas or proposals. They are
particularly suitable for early stage PhD students who would like to
discuss their ideas and get feedback before they go deep developing

Submissions for both categories need to be 2 page abstracts describing
the method and the results (for posters) or the preliminary ideas
(position papers). Selected poster and position paper submissions will
be allocated a short 5 minute talk slots during the conference.

IMPORTANT: Posters and position papers are accepted/reviewed on a
rolling basis so submit early and often!

SUBMISSION PAGE: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kesw2015.

REGISTRATION: http://2015.kesw.ru/registration/main/


* Markus Stocker, University of Eastern Finland
* Yuliya Tikhokhod, Yandex, Russia
* Erik Wilde, Web of Things, Siemens Berkeley, USA


General Chair: Dmitry Mouromtsev, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Program Chair: Pavel Klinov, Complexible, USA
Open Science and Education Chair: Irina Radchenko, ITMO University,
St. Petersburg, Russia
Publicity Chair: Maxim Kolchin, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia

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