[DL] New Release: -ontop- v.1.15 (Now available for Protégé 5)

Rezk Martin mrezk at inf.unibz.it
Wed May 13 13:53:09 CEST 2015

We are happy to announce the availability of

               -ontop- v.1.15 (Now available for Protégé 5)

a Java framework to query ontologies with mappings to databases.

If you are interested in virtual RDF graphs, R2RML mappings and/or
RDFS/OWL2QL reasoning, then -ontop- is for you. The system implements
the cutting edge SPARQL-to-SQL and query optimisation techniques that
allow it to answer SPARQL queries using SQL databases while obtaining
great  performance.

With -ontop-, you don't need to move your data from your already
efficient database in order to enjoy the benefits of the RDF data
model, the SPARQL query language or RDF/OWL2QL inference.
And there is no need for expensive ETL or forward/backward chaining either.

You can use -ontop- as an API, a SPARQL end-point, or as a Protege plugin.

The highlights of this new release include:

-Upgrade the Protege plugin to Protégé 5 !!
-New Command line interface [1]
-Better support for SPARQL BIND
-Support for SPARQL Concat and Replace
-Support for SQL Concat and Replace (in the mappings)
-Support for xsd:dateTimeStap
-Improved Optimization techniques (Contribution by Roman Konchakov)
-Implementation of Autoclosable interface for core classes in the API to support `try with resource`.
-Better support for DISTINCT modifier in the mappings.
-Bug Fixes
---Handle the 30-characters limit for variable names in Oracle.
---Fix the mapping render of Protege when multiple subjects are in the target of mapping.

The system is available for FREE at


Please, try it out and help us improve it by sending us your feedback.
Tell us how YOU are using -ontop-!

To start using -ontop- try our  tutorials!

-Easy Tutorial: Using Ontop from Protege
-Easy Tutorial: Using Ontop API from Eclipse

The -ontop- development team

[1] https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki/OntopCLI





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