[DL] CfP - I-SEMANTICS 2013 - 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems 2013

Tommaso Di Noia t.dinoia at poliba.it
Tue Feb 5 19:31:05 CET 2013

Apologies for cross postings

=====================Call for Papers============================
9th International Conference on Semantic Systems
Graz, Austria, 4 - 6 September 2013

Announcement of 6th Linked Data Cup

Latest News:
• We are happy to announce Yves Raimond from BBC as one of this year’s 
Key Note Speakers
• I-SEMANTICS proceedings published by ACM ICPS

Important Dates (Research & Application & Challenge Papers)

• Abstract Submission Deadline: March 25, 2013
• Paper Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013
• Notification of Acceptance: May 3, 2013
• Camera-Ready Paper: June 10, 2013

Important Dates (Posters & Demo Papers & PhD Track)

• Submission Deadline: May 10, 2013
• Notification of Acceptance: June 17, 2013
• Camera Ready Paper: July 18, 2013
Hashtag for I-SEMANTICS 2013:  #isem2013

I-SEMANTICS 2013 (www.i-semantics.at) is the 9th International 
Conference on Semantic Systems.
The conference brings together both researchers and practitioners in the 
areas of Semantic Technologies, Linked Data and the Semantic Web in 
order to showcase cutting edge research, demonstrators and applications 
for the Corporate and Social Semantic Web.
I-SEMANTICS 2013 will also hold the “I-CHALLENGE”, which brings to you 
the 6th Linked Data Cup (formerly Triplification Challenge), the Best 
Paper Award and the Best Poster Award.
In order to foster synergies among the research fields of knowledge 
discovery, social computing,  and semantic technologies I-SEMANTICS 
Conference will be held together with the I-KNOW Conference, the 13th 
International Conference on Knowledge Technologies (www.i-know.at).

As a conference aiming to bring together science and industry, 
I-SEMANTICS encourages scientific research and application-oriented 
contributions in the field of Semantic Technologies, Semantic Web and 
Linked Data. The topics of interest for this year’s conference include 
but are not limited to:

•	Large scale triplification and processing of data
•	Vocabularies, taxonomies and schemas for the web of data
•	Querying, searching and browsing over the web of data
•	Data integration and interlinking for the web of data
•	Location-based services and mobile semantic applications
•	User interaction and innovative visualizations for the web of data
•	Reasoning over the web of data
•	(Mashup) applications utilizing (large scale) linked data resources
•	Recommender systems making use of the web of data
•	Integrating microposts into the web of data
•	Linked enterprise data and (open) linked government data
•	Linked sensor data and machine-to-machine communication

•	Provenance information for the web of data
•	Large scale ontology inspection, maintenance and repair
•	Co-reference detection and dataset reconciliation
•	Quality analysis and metrics for the web of data
•	Trust, privacy and security in semantic web applications

•	Corporate thesauri, business vocabularies, ontologies and rules
•	Semantic business, e-commerce and m-commerce systems
•	Semantic procurement for enterprises and governments
•	Semantics, pragmatics and semiotics in organizations
•	Enterprise trust and reputation management	
•	Organisational issues in the deployment and application of semantic 

•	Enriching social web data and information with semantics and linked data
•	Semantically-enabled social platforms and applications
•	Users as virtual and physical sensors and devices for a ubiquitous 
social semantic web
•	Semantic based personalization, as e.g. for recommendations, social 
navigation, collaborative search, social filtering, etc
•	Reality augmented by the social semantic web
•	Querying, mining and analysis of social semantic web data and dynamics

•	Representing and reasoning with uncertainty, provenance, trust in 
social web data
•	Ethical issues related to the use of user generated content & linked data

•	Collaborative ontology engineering
•	Ontology modularity, alignment and merging
•	Ontology design patterns and life cycle management
•	Ontology learning and knowledge acquisition
•	Semantic annotation and tagging
•	Making sense of microposts
•	Semantic content management systems

•	Semantic-driven multimedia applications
•	Multimedia ontologies and infrastructures
•	Content-based semantic multimedia analysis and data mining
•	Semantic-driven multimedia indexing and retrieval
•	Named entity recognition and disambiguation in multimedia documents
•	Human-computer interfaces and visualization for multimedia data access

•	Case studies of and benchmarks in semantic systems usage
•	Evaluation perspectives, methods and semantic web research methodologies
•	Technology assessment and acceptance/reactance research
•	Usability and user interaction with semantic technologies
•	Case studies with clear lessons learned or evaluations

•	Economic foundations of data assets, markets and data crowd sourcing
•	Business and governance models for data commerce
•	Production principles and measures of data creation, curation and 
•	Business models and economic impacts of Linked (Enterprise) Data 
and/or large scale semantic systems
•	Case studies for sector-specific data strategies

I-SEMANTICS Submission Information
All accepted full papers and short papers of I-SEMANTICS 2013 will be 
published in the digital library of the ACM ICP Series under the 
ISBN-No.: 978-1-4503-1972-0.
Please note: Poster and Demo papers are planned to be published at 
CEUR-WS again.

Research papers report on novel research and/or applications relevant to 
the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not 
have been submitted for publication elsewhere. The number of pages of 
research papers is limited to 8 pages for full papers and 4 pages for 
short papers including references and an optional appendix.

Full and short papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for 
formatting (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) 
and must be submitted via the online submission system available at the 
conference website as PDF documents (other formats will not be 
accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source 
files (Latex, Word Perfect, Word).

IMPORTANT DATES (Research & Application & Challenge Papers)	
•	Abstract Submission Deadline: March 25, 2013
•	Paper Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013
•	Notification of Acceptance: May 3, 2013
•	Camera-Ready Paper: June 10, 2013

The Posters & Demonstrations Track and the PhD Track offer an 
opportunity to present late-breaking research results, smaller 
contributions, and innovative work in progress.

The informal setting of the Posters & Demonstrations Track encourages 
presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the presented 
work. Such discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of 
the presenters, while offering conference participants an effective way 
to broaden their knowledge of the emerging research trends and to 
network with other researchers. Poster and demo submissions should 
consist of a paper of 3-4 pages that describes the work and its 
contribution to the field. Submissions to this track must be in the 
Springer LNCS format 
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors), i.e. please do NOT 
use the ACM template here.

The objective of the PhD Track is to provide doctoral students with a 
forum to present and discuss their research projects with experienced 
researchers (“mentors”) and fellow students. It addresses PhD students 
at an early stage of their doctoral studies, who want to receive 
feedback from internationally recognized researchers. Ideally, 
participants will have a well-defined problem statement and precise 
questions to discuss with their mentor. Applicants should be PhD 
students (from any country), conducting ongoing research in the areas of 
semantic technologies, Linked Data and the Semantic Web.

PhD Track submissions should consist of up to 1.500 words and contain 
the following:
• Name, affiliation and contact details of the PhD student
• Name(s) of the supervisor(s)
• Summary of the research project, including:
   ◦ Problem: research questions, motivation, state of the art and 
relevance for the fields of Semantic Technologies, Linked Data and 
Semantic Web
   ◦ Approach: (planned) approach and methodology
   ◦ Current status / timeline: current status of the work and any 
results that have already been reached plus outlook to future work
• A list of key questions that the PhD student wants to discuss during 
the event

Submissions will be reviewed by experienced researchers; each submission 
will receive detailed feedback. The program committee will select 
participants who will give a short presentation about their research 
project during the I-SEMANTICS PhD Track. Main focus of the event is on 
discussion, support and solving open questions.

IMPORTANT DATES (Posters & Demo Papers & PhD Track)
•	Submission Deadline: May 10, 2013
•	Notification of Acceptance: June 17, 2013
•	Camera Ready Paper: July 18, 2013

For the second time in 2013 we will bring to you the I-CHALLENGE, 
consisting of the Best Research/Application Paper Award, the Best Poster 
Award and the Linked Data Cup. While the best paper will be selected by 
the program committee, the Best Poster will be voted by the conference 
audience via online voting. (Please expect more details for all the Best 
Paper Awards in the weeks to come.)
Information on the Linked Data Cup will be available soon.

Scientific Chair
•	Harald Sack (Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT Systems Engineering, Germany)

Program Chairs
•	Eva Blomqvist (Linköping University, Seden)
•	Tommaso Di Noia (Technical University of Bari, Italy)
•	Marta Sabou (MODUL University Vienna, Austria)

Track Chairs
	◦	Jörg Waitelonis (Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT Systems Engineering)
	◦	Thomas Thurner (Semantic Web Company, Austria)
•	PhD Track Chair:  to be announced
•	Posters & Demos Chair: Steffen Lohmann (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Industry Chair
•	Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company, Austria)

Conference Chair
•	Tassilo Pellegrini (University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria)

Program Committee
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