[DL] FLoC 2010: Final Call for Participation

Nicole Schweikardt schweika.floc at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 21 22:03:09 CEST 2010


  Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
  July 9-21, 2010

  DEADLINES (all deadlines are firm):
   * standard registration deadline: 30 JUNE 2010.

* The fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10)
  will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. (www.edinburgh.org),
  in July 2010, at the School of Informatics at the University
  of Edinburgh (www.inf.ed.ac.uk).

* FLoC'10 promises to be the premier scientific meeting in
  computational logic in 2010.
  The following conferences will participate in FLoC:

  - CAV 2010:   Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
  - CSF 2010:   IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
  - ICLP 2010:  Int'l Conference on Logic Programming
  - IJCAR 2010: Int'l Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
  - ITP 2010:   Int'l Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving
  - LICS 2010:  IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
  - RTA 2010:   Int'l Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
  - SAT 2010:   Int'l Conference on Theory and Applications of
                Satisfiability Testing

  The eight major conferences will be accompanied by more than
  fifty workshops and a number of other affiliated events.

* Program:
  The FLoC'10 program includes plenary talks by David Basin,
  Georg Gottlob, David Harel, and Gordon Plotkin, as well as
  keynote talks by Deepak Kapur and J Strother Moore.
  Please consult the FLoC website for further information on
  invited speakers and contributed talks of all the
  participating conferences.

* The city of Edinburgh:
  Edinburgh (http://www.ed.ac.uk/about/city/introduction), one of the
  most vibrant, cosmopolitan cities in Europe, has been regularly voted
  one of the most desirable places to live in the world - and the
  University is at the heart of it all.
  Located throughout the centre of the city, the campus plays an integral
  part in the activities of Scotland's lively capital.
  Set against a beautiful backdrop of stunning architecture, Edinburgh is
  a welcoming, cosmopolitan city with a large and diverse student population.
  The city offers an exciting array of entertainment, history, culture and
  sport, with the lush Scottish countryside and coastline just a few miles
  away. It is a safe and prosperous city, with an abundance of parks and
  green spaces for recreation and reflection.
  FLoC receptions will be held at the Edinburgh Castle (11 July) and
  the National Galleries of Scotland (16 July).

* Registration:
  For online registration for FLoC, please follow the link on the
  FLoC website at http://floc-conference.org/registration.html
  Registration is open. The deadline for early registration was 17 May.
  Standard rates will apply for those who register between 18 May
  and 30 June. For those who register after 30 June, late rates will apply.
  Note that it is possible to register early, and then add components
  (e.g., additional workshops, additional registration days, etc.) later on.

* Accomodation:
  Very affordable accommodation has been booked at the University's
  Pollock Halls campus, about 15-minute walk from the conference site.
  Room types include single/double rooms with shared facilities/ensuite,
  and standard hotel rooms in a 3-star Victorian mansion.
  Alternatively, blocks of rooms have been booked at several hotels in
  the cite centre. For details, see

* Cancellation Policy:
  If a participant is unable to attend FLoC because of force
  majeure (e.g., volcanic ash causing flight cancellation) or because
  of visa denial, their registration fee and accommodation payments
  will be refunded in full, except for a GBP 50 administrative charge.

* FLoC'10 Steering Committee:
   - General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi
   - Conference Co-chairs: Leonid Libkin, Gordon Plotkin
   - CAV Representative: Edmund Clarke
   - ICLP Representative: Manuel Hermenegildo
   - IJCAR Representative: Alan Bundy
   - ITP Representative: Tobias Nipkow
   - LICS Representative: Martin Abadi
   - RTA Representative: Juergen Giesl
   - SAT Representative: Enrico Giunchiglia
   - EasyChair Representative: Andrei Voronkov

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