[DL] World Congress, Lisbon 2010 - Call for Papers

Universal Logic universal.logic at ufc.br
Fri Oct 16 13:24:38 CEST 2009

The third edition of the World Congress and School on Universal Logic will
happen April 18-25, 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal.

There will be:
10 invited speakers, among them: Hartry Field,  George Grätzer, Yuri
Gurevich, Gehrard Jaeger, Dana Scott

10 special sessions, among them: logic diagrams, substructural logics,
non-classical mathematics, categorical logic, mutlimodal logics, paradoxes

21 tutorials, among them: Hybrid logic, Logical Pluralism, Erotetic
Logics, Truth-values, Refutation, Ideospheres, How to cut and paste
logical systems

1 contest: How to combine logics?

Submission deadline for contributed talks has been extended to November
15, 2009

World Congress and School on Universal Logic III
April 18-25, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

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