[DL] Call for papers: ADDCT'09 Workshop - "Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability"

Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans sofronie at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Fri Apr 24 18:41:19 CEST 2009

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

 Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability

Workshop affiliated with CADE-22 Montreal, Canada, 2 August 2009


Decidability, and especially complexity and tractability of logical
theories is extremely important for a large number of applications.
Although general logical formalisms (such as predicate logic or number
theory) are undecidable, decidable theories or decidable fragments
thereof (sometimes even with low complexity) often occur in mathematics,
in program verification, in the verification of reactive, real time or
hybrid systems, as well as in databases and ontologies. It is therefore
important to identify such decidable fragments and design efficient
decision procedures for them. It is equally important to have uniform
methods (such as resolution, rewriting, tableaux, sequent calculi, ...)
which can be tuned to provide algorithms with optimal complexity.

The goal of ADDCT is to bring together researchers interested in
- identifying (fragments of) logical theories which are decidable,
  identifying fragments thereof which have low complexity, and
  analyzing possibilities of obtaining optimal complexity results
  with uniform tools;
- analyzing decidability in combinations of theories and possibilities
  of combining decision procedures;
- efficient implementations for decidable fragments;
- application domains where decidability resp. tractability are crucial.

Topics of interest for ADDCT include (but are not restricted to):

- Decidability:
   - decision procedures based on logical calculi such as:
     resolution, rewriting, tableaux, sequent calculi, or natural deduction
   - decidability in combinations of logical theories
- Complexity:
   - complexity analysis for fragments of first- (or higher) order logic
   - complexity analysis for combinations of logical theories
     (including parameterized complexity results)
- Tractability (in logic, automated reasoning, algebra, ...)

- Application domains for which complexity issues are essential
  (verification, security, databases, ontologies, ...)

The goal of ADDCT is to bring together researchers interested in exploring
the topics above, both at a theoretical level and motivated by applications.

Submission and selection procedure

Submissions are encouraged in one of the following categories:

- Original papers (up to 15 pages, LNCS style, including bibliography);
  should describe original research and contain sufficient detail to
  assess the merits and relevance of the contribution.
  Simultaneous submission of material is prohibited.

- Work in progress (up to 6 pages, LNCS style, without bibliography).

- Presentation-only papers: may describe work previously published,
  and will not be inserted in the proceedings. We are allowing the
  submission of previously published work in order to allow researchers
  to communicate good ideas that the attendees may not be aware of.

Given the informal style of the workshop, the submission of papers
presenting student's work and work in progress is encouraged.

Submission of papers is via EasyChair at

The final versions of the selected contributions will be collected in a
volume to be distributed at the workshop and made accessible on the web.

Organizers and Chairs
  Franz Baader (TU Dresden)
  Silvio Ghilardi (U. Milano)
  Miki Hermann (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)
  Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (MPI,Saarbruecken)
  Ashish Tiwari (SRI)

Program Committee
  Carlos Areces (INRIA Nancy)
  Franz Baader (TU Dresden)
  Peter Baumgartner(NICTA, Canberra)
  Maria Paola Bonacina (U. Verona)
  Christian Fermueller (T.U.Wien)
  Silvio Ghilardi (U. Milano)
  Miki Hermann (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)
  Ullrich Hustadt (U. Liverpool)
  Sava Krstic (Intel Corporation)
  Christopher Lynch,(Clarkson U.)
  Silvio Ranise (LORIA/INRIA-Lorraine and U.Verona)
  Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (MPI,Saarbruecken)
  Lidia Tendera (U. Opole)
  Dmitry Tishkovsky (U. Manchester)
  Ashish Tiwari (SRI)
  Luca Vigano (U. Verona)

Important Dates
   8 May    2009: Abstract submission
  15 May    2009: Paper submission
  15 June   2009: Notification
   1 July   2009: Final version
   2 August 2009: Workshop

For further informations please send an e-mail to
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans sofronie at mpi-inf.mpg.de

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