[DL] Final CFP and DEADLINE EXTENSION (April 19, 2009): *ELSEWHERE*2009
shilov at iis.nsk.su
shilov at iis.nsk.su
Tue Apr 14 05:29:56 CEST 2009
Final Call For Papers and DEADLINE EXTENSION (April 19, 2009)
Knowledge and Ontology *ELSEWHERE* (*ELSEWHERE*2009)
Russian Workshop with International Participation)
(talks and papers in English are welcome)
Location and Affiliation
One-day workshop Knowledge and Ontology *ELSEWHERE* (*ELSEWHERE*2009)
will take place between Saturday, July 25, and Saturday, August 1,
2009 in affiliation with 17th International Conference on Conceptual
Structures (ICCS'09), Moscow, Russia. It will be the second edition of
the workshop. The first inaugural workshop took place October 03, 2008
in affiliation with 11th Russian National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (CAI-08) in Dubna near Moscow. This year the workshop
will be open for international participation. Talks and papers in
English are welcome!
Rapid growth of Semantic Web technologies in the New Millennium had
some negative effect in mass-consciousness. In particular, "knowledge"
and "ontology" became just technical terms of Description Logic (DL),
Web Ontology Language (OWL), machine learning algorithms.
But "ontology" is not just a technical term of Semantic Web, and
"knowledge" is not a content. Both terms have everlasting science and
philosophy meaning. Ontology is a branch of philosophy that examines
entities and their ties (relations), classes of entities and classes
of their ties. Knowledge (in accordance with Plato) is true belief,
and epistemology is another branch of philosophy that studies
methodology of belief validation. Just due to these arguments
"knowledge" and "ontology" are very important notions ELSEWHERE
outside Semantic Web.
In particular, *ELSEWHERE*2009 scope includes (but is not limited to)
the following topics.
* Group and Common Knowledge in Multiagent Systems.
* Belief, Knowledge and Behavior of (groups of) rational agents.
* Epistemology of "ontology content", "data mining", and "machine learning".
* Ontological approach to classification in Informatics and Computer
* Ontological approach to Semantics of Computer Languages and Systems.
* Ontological problems of Informatics, Computer Science and AI.
* Linguistic Ontologies and Computational Linguistics.
* Epistemology and ontological modeling ELSEWHERE.
Program and Organizing Committee
* Natasha Alechina, School of Computer Science, University of
Nottingham, Great Britain
* Nikolay V. Shilov (Chair), A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics
Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia (shilov at iis.nsk.su)
* Elena G. Sokolova, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow,
* Yuri A. Zagorulko, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems,
Novosibirsk, Russia
Invited Speakers
* Jack Stecher (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration,
http://www.nhh.no/Default.aspx?ID=677) will give a talk on Game Theory
(title TBA);
* Konstantin Vorontsov (Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences -
Dorodnicyn Computing
Centre, http://www.ccas.ru/voron/.index-eng.html) will give a talk
"Machine learning techniques
based on rule induction". Abstract: A survey of machine learning
techniques based on rule
induction: rule evaluation criteria and search heuristics, decision
lists, trees and forests, weighted
voting of decision rules.
Paper Submission, Publication and Participation
Papers (in Russian and English) are solicited. The primary target
group of *ELSEWHERE*2009 are original position and work-in-progress
papers (but original research papers are also welcome). Submissions
(in Russian or English) could be in DOC, RTF or PDF format and should
be sent (as attachments) by e-mail to Program Chair
(shilov at iis.nsk.su) with "ELSEWHERE09" in subject line. Length of
submissions may be up to 15 pages plus up to 5 pages with technical
appendixes (1.5 intervals, font 11 pt). Extended submission deadline is
Sunday, April 19.
Accepted papers will be published as a special issue of Bulletin of
the Novosibirsk Computing Center (with ISSN). So the final versions of
accepted papers should be in Springer's LNCS format
(http://www.springeronline.com/lncs) that is adopted in the Bulletin.
A special issue of the Bulletin with Proceedings will be available at
workshop. A post-workshop publication of the proceedings (as a volume
of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science or CEUR Workshop
Proceedings) is subject to quality of accepted papers and will be
decided at the workshop.
At least one author of every accepted paper should register at
*ELSEWHERE*2009, pay registration fee (due date, amount and mode of
payment will be announced later), and present a talk in the workshop.
Workshop Format
Workshop will consist of two invited talks (45 minutes each) and 8-10
contributed talks (30 minutes
each). Working languages of the workshop will be English and Russian
(translation service will be provided). *ELSEWHERE*2009 will co-locate
with ICCS'09. Participants of the
workshop will enjoy the same accommodation rates as participants of
ICCS'09. It is assumed that *ELSEWHERE*2009 participants will be able
to attend all sessions of '09 after registration on the site for
special rate.
Important Dates
* April 19, Sunday v *ELSEWHERE*2009 extended submission deadline
(to shilov at iis.nsk.su);
* May 15, Friday v *ELSEWHERE*2009 notification via e-mail;
* June 5, Friday v final version due date (to shilov at iis.nsk.su);
* July 26 v 31, Sunday to Friday v 17th International Conference on
Conceptual Structures dates;
* Knowledge and Ontology *ELSEWHERE* v
a day between Saturday, July 25, and Saturday, August 1.
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