[DL] First CFP: Advances in Modal Logic, 9-12 September 2008, LORIA, Nancy, France

Carlos Areces carlos.areces at loria.fr
Wed Oct 31 06:56:21 CET 2007

Please circulate. Apologies for multiple copies


                     FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

                  ADVANCES in MODAL LOGIC
     9-12 September 2008, LORIA, Nancy, France

DEADLINE: 31 March 2008

Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting
an up-to-date picture of the state of the art in modal logic
and its many applications. The initiative consists of a
conference series together with volumes based on the conferences.

AiML-2008 is the seventh conference in the series.

We invite submission on all aspects of modal logics, including
the following:

- applications of modal logic
- computational aspects of modal
- complexity and decidability of modal and temporal logics
- modal and temporal logic programming
- model checking
- theorem proving for modal logics
- history of modal logic
- philosophy of modal logic
- specific instances of modal logic
- description logicsAdvances in Modal Logic
- dynamic logics and other process logics
- epistemic and deontic logics
- modal logics for agent-based systems
- modal logic and game theory
- modal logic and grammar formalisms
- provability and interpretability logics
- spatial and temporal logics
- theoretical aspects of modal logic
- algebraic  and categorical perspectives on modal logic
- coalgebraic modal logic
- completeness and canonicity
- correspondence and duality theory
- many-dimensional modal logics
- modal fixed point logics
- model theory of modal logic
- proof theory of modal logic
- variations of modal logic
- hybrid logic
- intuitionistic logic
- monotonic modal logic
- substructural logic

Papers on related subjects will also be considered.

-  to be confirmed

In a change from previous AiML's, there will be two types of paper:

(1)  Full papers for publication and presentation at the conference.
(2)  Abstracts for short presentation only.

Both types of  paper should be submitted electronically using the 
submission page at


The online submission system will be opened a few weeks before the 
submission deadline of 31 March 2008.

These will be published by College Publications


in a volume to be made available at the meeting. Authors are invited to 
submit for review a full paper, not submitted elsewhere.  It should be 
at most  15 pages plus optionally a technical appendix of up to 5 pages, 
together with a plain-text abstract of say 100-200 words.

To appear in the conference volume, papers must be prepared in LaTeX 
using the style files to be provided at   http://aiml08.loria.fr . At 
least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the 
conference to present the paper.

These should up to about 5 pages.  They may describe preliminary 
results, work in progress etc.,  and will be subject to light review. 
They may be made available at the conference, and authors should 
indicate if they would like to make a short presentation of their 
abstract of up to 15 minutes.

Alessandro Artale     (Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Alexandru Baltag      (University of Oxford, UK)
Guram Bezhanishvili   (New Mexico State University, USA)
Philippe Balbiani     (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Patrick Blackburn     (LORIA, France)
Stephane Demri        (CNRS, Cachan, France)
Melvin Fitting        (City University of New York, USA)
Guido Governatori     (University of Queensland, Australia)
Silvio Ghilardi       (University of Milano, Italy)
Valentin Goranko      (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Rajeev Gore           (Australian National University, Australia)
Andreas Herzig        (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Ian Hodkinson         (Imperial College London, UK)
Ramon Jansana         (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Alexander Kurz        (University of Leicester, UK)
Carsten Lutz          (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
Edwin Mares           (Victoria University of Wellington)
Larry Moss            (Indiana University, USA)
Dirk Pattinson        (Imperial College London, UK)
Mark Reynolds         (University of Western Australia, Australia)
Ulrike Sattler        (University of Manchester, UK)
Ildiko Sain           (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Renate Schmidt        (University of Manchester, UK)
Jerry Seligman        (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Valentin Shehtman     (Moscow State University, Russia)
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki      (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Yde Venema            (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Heinrich Wansing      (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
Frank Wolter          (University of Liverpool, UK)
Michael Zakharyaschev (Birkbeck College, London, UK)

Carlos Areces
LORIA, Nancy

Rob Goldblatt
Victoria University of Wellington

Patrick Blackburn
LORIA, Nancy

Submission deadline: 31 March 2008
Acceptance notification: 31 May 2008
Final version of full papers due: 30 June 2008
Conference: 9-12 September 2008

Advances in Modal Logic 2008 will be held at LORIA (Laboratoire
Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications) in Nancy,
in the Lorraine, in the east of France.

Information about AiML-2008 will be available at the conference
website   http://aiml08.loria.fr

E-mail enquiries should be directed to the local
organizer or the program co-chairs.

Information about AiML itself can be obtained at

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