[DL] MSc Survey

Min Shi erickatana at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 16 00:56:13 CEST 2007

Hi all

I am a MSc student from the University of Manchester. I am currently
working on my MSc project under the supervision of Prof. Ulrike Sattler.
May I invite you to take the time to answer a survey questionnaire which is
part of my MSc project.

The survey is designed to investigate which CNL(controlled natural language)
ontology syntax is more suitable to read and understand for the non-experts of
OWL. Here is the link:


It will take 15 minutes approximately. All information is anonymous. You
are free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason though your
answers will be very valuable to me. If you have any questions about the
survey, please feel free to contact me at shim at cs.man.ac.uk.

Many thanks for your help in advance.

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