[DL] Collaborative Knowledge Creation Challenge - Call for Participation

Gerd Stumme stumme at cs.uni-kassel.de
Tue Apr 17 19:24:08 CEST 2007

       Collaborative Knowledge Creation Challenge
-----------   Call for Online Participation   -------------

in cooperation with the
Workshop on Social and Collaborative
Construction of Structured Knowledge
at the 16th Intl. World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007)
Deadline April 30, 2007

The aim of the challenge is to test existing tools for collaborative 
knowledge creation, to figure out collectively what we expect of such 
tools, which features are useful and which are not, and which direction the 
field should follow.

We invite you to participate in the CKC challenge to learn about the state 
of the art of tools for social and collaborative construction of structured 
knowledge. Until April 30, we invite everyone to try up to six of the tools 
listed at <http://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/ckc2007/Tools.htm>.

The tools and the results of the challenge will be presented at the 
Collaborative Knowledge Creation Workshop of WWW 2007 
<http://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/ckc2007> in Banff. When participating 
at the challenge, you can compete for prizes for the most active 
participant and most insightful feedback. You don't have to be attending 
the workshop in Banff to participate in the challenge. (We  will ship you 
the prize if you win and don't plan to join us in  Banff). In fact, we hope 
to have as many people as possible to participate so that we can learn as 
much as we can from the challenge.

Please go to:
to learn more about the challenge and to participate.

Challenge Organizing Committee
    * Harith Alani, University of Southampton
    * Abhita Chugh, Stanford University
    * Natasha Noy, Stanford University

Workshop Organizing Committee
    * Natasha Noy (co-chair), Stanford University
    * Harith Alani (co-chair), University of Southampton
    * Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel
    * Peter Mika, Free University, Amsterdam
    * York Sure, University of Karlsruhe
    * Denny Vrandecic, University of Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Gerd Stumme, Chair of Knowledge & Data Engineering,
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Kassel
http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de, Tel. 0561/804-6251, Fax: -6259

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