[DL] FroCoS: call for papers

Frank Wolter F.Wolter at csc.liv.ac.uk
Fri Dec 1 13:03:14 CET 2006

First Call for Papers

FroCoS: International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems 2007

September 10-12, 2007
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool, UK



Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
-   combinations of logics such as combined predicate, temporal, modal, or
    epistemic logics;
-   combinations and modularity in ontologies;
-   combination of decision procedures, of satisfiability procedures, and of
    constraint solving techniques;
-   combinations and modularity in term rewriting;
-   integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems;
-   combination of deduction systems and computer algebra;
-   integration of data structures into CLP formalisms and deduction
-   hybrid methods for deduction, resolution and constraint propagation;
-   hybrid systems in knowledge representation and natural language semantics;
-   combined logics for distributed and multi-agent systems;
-   logical aspects of combining and modularising programs and specifications.


In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation, program
development and verification, artificial intelligence, and automated
reasoning, there is an obvious need for using specialised formalisms and
inference mechanisms for special tasks. In order to be usable in practice,
these specialised systems must be combined with each other, and they must be
integrated into general purpose systems. The development of general techniques
and methods for the combination and integration of special formally defined
systems, as well as for the analysis and modularisation of complex systems has
been initiated in many areas. The International Symposium on Frontiers of
Combining Systems (FroCoS) traditionally focuses on this type of research
questions and activities and aims at promoting progress in the field. The
previous FroCoS's were held in Munich (1996), Amsterdam (1998), Nancy (2000),
Santa Margherita Ligure (2002), and Vienna (2005). In 2004 and 2006, FroCoS
joined IJCAR, the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning. Like
its predecessors, FroCoS 2007 wants to offer a common forum for research
activities in the general area of combination, modularisation and integration
of systems (with emphasis on logic-based ones), and of their practical use.


Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes on Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI) series. 
Other Events
FroCoS will be collocated with FTP (Workshop on First-order Theorem Proving)
Important Dates

April 23, 2007:  Abstract submission deadline
April 30, 2007:  Full paper submission deadline
June 5,   2007:  Notification of acceptance
June 20,  2007:  Camera ready copies due


The programme committee seeks high-quality submissions that are original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. There are two categories of

 (A) Regular papers. Submissions should not exceed 15 pages and should contain
     original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and
     relevance of the contribution. Detailed instructions can be found at the
     FroCoS website.

 (B) Tool descriptions. Submissions should not exceed 8 pages, and should
     describe the implemented tool and its novel features. Detailed
     instructions can be found at the FroCoS website.

Programme Chair: Frank Wolter, Liverpool, UK

Conference Chair: Boris Konev, Liverpool, UK

Programme Committee:

Alessandro Armando
Franz Baader 
Jacques Calmet
Silvio Ghilardi
Bernhard Gramlich
Deepak Kapur
Boris Konev
Till Mossakowski
Joachim Niehren
Albert Oliveras
Dirk Pattinson
Silvio Ranise
Christophe Ringeissen
Ulrike Sattler
Amilcar Sernadas
Cesare Tinelli
Luca Vigano
Frank Wolter 

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