[DL] ARW'06 Extended Deadline

Louise Dennis lad at cs.nott.ac.uk
Thu Feb 2 13:00:42 CET 2006

Please note extended deadline (10th February)

[Our apologies for multiple messages]

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                       3rd-4th April 2006


A 2-day symposium to be held as part of: AISB'06: Adaptation in
Artificial and Biological Systems, April 3rd-6th 2006
University of Bristol, Bristol, England

Continuing  the highly  successful  series of  Workshops on  Automated
Reasoning, this event will provide an informal forum for the automated
reasoning community.   The ARW workshop series aims  to bring together
researchers from all  areas of automated reasoning in  order to foster
links  and facilitate cross-fertilisation  of ideas  among researchers
from  various disciplines; among  researchers from  academia, industry
and government; and between theoreticians and practitioners.

This year there will be a keynote speech by Tom Hales of the
Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh.

Details  of the ARW  organisation and  of previous  ARW events  can be
found at http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~clare/ARW/about.html.


     * Byron Cook (Microsoft)
     * Muffy Calder (University of Glasgow)
     * Tom Hales (University of Pittsburgh)


The workshop, which is co-located with AISB 2006, will cover the full
breadth and diversity of automated reasoning and will include topics
such as:

     * Theorem proving in classical and non-classical logics
     * Reasoning systems and mechanisms:
         - Description logics
         - Equational reasoning, unification
         - Induction
         - Constraint Satisfaction
         - Specialised decision procedures
     * Formal methods in software analysis:
        - specification, verification
     * Non-classical inference:
          - Nonmonotonic reasoning, abduction
          - intuitionistic reasoning
     * Logic-based knowledge representation:
          - Ontology specification,
          - Domain specific reasoning (spatial, temporal, epistemic etc)
     * Reasoning for agents (or about agents)
     * Interactive theorem proving
     * Implementation issues and empirical results
     * Applications of automated reasoning


We invite interested persons to submit a camera-ready, two-page
abstract about recent work or work in progress, or a system
description. Anyone wishing to attend but not interested in presenting
should send a shorter position statement (1/2 - 1 page).

Submissions should be sent in in either Postscript or PDF format by
email to the workshop organisers at: lad at cs.nott.ac.uk

Each submission should include the names and complete addresses
(including email) of all authors. Correspondence will be sent to the
first author, unless otherwise indicated. The main objective of the
abstracts is to spread information about recent work in  our
community. Abstracts will be published in informal workshop notes and
be made available by WWW.

Submissions should be no longer than 6,000 words. LaTeX style files
are available from the symposium website.


A limited number of studentships will be available to fund travel and
accomodation expenses. Applications for studentships will require
written proof of student status, and must be received by the deadline
below. Payment is made by cheque during or after the symposium.

To indicate your interest, please send a short email to Jacques Fleuriot
<jdf at inf.ed.ac.uk> any time before the 10th of February 2006.


Dr. Louise Dennis, University of Nottingham
lad at cs.nott.ac.uk

Matthew Walton, University of Nottingham
mxw at cs.nott.ac.uk

both at

School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
United Kingdom

Dr. Miroslav Velev, Carnegie Mellon University
mvelev at gmail.com


Clare Dixon, Chair (University of Liverpool)
Jacques Fleuriot, Secretary/Treasurer (University of Edinburgh)
Brandon Bennett (University of Leeds)
Simon Colton (Imperial College London)
David Crocker (Escher Technologies)
Louise Dennis (University of Nottingham)
Ulle Endriss, (Imperial College London)
Alan Frisch (University of York)
Ian Gent (University of St. Andrews)
Ullrich Hustadt (University of Liverpool)
Mateja Jamnik (Univerity of Cambridge)
Manfred Kerber (University of Birmingham)
Tom Melham (University of Oxford)
Renate Schmidt (University of Manchester)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester)


Applications for studentships: 10th February 2006
Submission of papers by: 10th February 2006
Notification of decision: 15th Februrary 2006
Camera ready copies by: 20th February 2006

Dr. Louise Dennis, Undergraduate Admissions Tutor,
School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
University of  Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, NG8 1BB,  UK.
http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~lad/  phone - +44 115 846 6568

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