[DL] CfP: EKAW 2006 Workshops and Tutorials

Heiner Stuckenschmidt heiner at informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Mon Jan 9 10:26:21 CET 2006

15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge
Management - EKAW

Podebrady (near Prague), Czech Republic

Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

Submission:              April 1st 2006
Notification:            April 12th 2006
Workshop/Tutorial Notes: August 21st 2006
Conference:              October 2nd-6th 2006

The 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and
Knowledge Management is concerned with all aspects of eliciting,
acquiring, modelling, managing and exploiting knowledge, and the
role of these aspects in the construction of knowledge-intensive
systems and services.

We seek high quality proposals for tutorials and workshops about
topics related to the conference. Of particular interest are
proposals that address one of the following areas

- Principles and Practice of Knowledge Modelling

- Evaluation and Benchmarking of Tools for Knowledge Acquisition
  and Knowledge Modelling

- (Semi-)Automatic Knowledge Acquisition from Data using techniques
  from machine learning and text-, speech or image understanding

- Knowledge in Distributed and Interconnected Domains such as
  the web, grid environments agent- or P2P systems

- Applications of Ontologies and Knowledge Modelling, for example in
  e-Science, e-Commerce or Knowledge Management.

EKAW 2006 is located in the Czech Republic and aims at a better
integration of Researchers from East European countries in the EKAW
community. In this context, we particularly encourage proposals
from Eastern European countries and such proposals that directly
address relevant communities in Eastern Europe.

Proposals should be sent to heiner at informatik.uni-mannheim.de by
April 1st 2006 and contain a concise description of the proposed
tutorial/workshop covering the following aspects on no more than 5

- title and description of the workshop topic
- Contact information and short CV of the proposers
- relation to the topic of the conference
- Workshop proposals: information about potential attendees and previous or
related workshops
- Tutorial proposals: Short outline of the schedule


Heiner Stuckenschmidt
University of Mannheim
heiner at informatik.uni-mannheim.de

Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Institut fuer Praktische Informatik
Universitaet Mannheim
A5, 6, Room C216
68159 Mannheim, Germany 
Tel.: +49 621 181 2530
URL: http://ki.informatik.uni-mannheim.de
email: heiner at informatik.uni-mannheim.de
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