[DL] WWW 2006 Deadline Extension

Sean Bechhofer seanb at cs.man.ac.uk
Fri Nov 4 17:07:38 CET 2005

A message on behalf of the WWW 2006 conference chairs.

Extension: The submission deadline for WWW2006 refereed papers has been 
extended to Friday November 11 11:59PM Hawaii time (hard deadline).

As you may know, on Sunday October 30 there was a significant fire at 
the site hosting the www2006 server. No one will be allowed into the 
building until Christmas and half the research labs are completely 

We attempted to mask the failure with a temporary site and have restored 
the site as quickly as possible in order to maintain the original 
deadline. But we have become aware that DNS and routing problems are 
still causing  locations to be unable to reach the site even as late as 
Friday November 4th 2005.

Given these technical difficulties, the fairest thing to do seems to be 
to grant a blanket 1-week extension, until November 11th 2005.

In fairness to those who submitted on time and managed to find the web 
site,  we will allow revised versions of papers to be uploaded up to the 
new deadline.

We apologize unreservedly for the confusion stemming from this fire and 
its aftermath - its been an interesting exercise in network complexity, 
and at least nobody was hurt - and we thank you for very much for 
submitting your work to WWW2006.

TEMPORARY WWW2006 WEBSITE: http://www.soton.ac.uk/~lac/ but SHOULD be 
visible at www2006.org
DIRECT ACCESS to the paper submission website: 

Information about the fire can be found at:
WWW2006 Co-chairs: Les Carr, Dave De Roure, Arun Iyengar
WWW2006 PC Chairs: Carole Goble, Mike Dahlin

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