[DL] [KI-2005] CFP: 28th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2005)

Jan Murray murray at uni-koblenz.de
Fri Mar 18 15:22:49 CET 2005

   [apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]


                               KI 2005

          28th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
                        September 11-14, 2005
                           Koblenz, Germany


			   Call for Papers

The conference invites  original research papers in  all  areas of AI.
Besides papers on the  foundations of AI  we  also welcome  reports on
innovative  applications.   The  main conference  is accompanied  by a
number of workshops and tutorials.

KI 2005 will be held  together with MATES 2005 (www.mates2005.de)  and
co-located with Tableaux 2005 (tableaux2005.uni-koblenz.de).


Possible areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Agent Technology
* Automated Reasoning
* Case-based Reasoning
* Cognitive Modeling
* Configuration and Diagnosis
* Decision Support Systems
* Image Understanding
* Knowledge Discovery
* Knowledge Management
* Machine Learning
* Multi Media
* Natural Language Processing
* Neural Networks
* Planning and Scheduling
* Ontologies
* Reasoning under Uncertainty
* Robotics
* Semantic Web
* Soft Computing
* Temporal and Spatial Reasoning 
* Vision


April 15, 2005: Submission of electronic abstracts and papers
June  03, 2005: Notification for conference papers
June  30, 2005: Camera-ready copies for conference papers


Conference submission is  electronic, in  PDF  or  postscript  format.
Submitted papers  must  not  exceed 15  pages   and should conform  to
Springer    LNCS  style (see  details  for   paper  submission on  the
conference web-page).     Papers must  be  written  in   English.  The
conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Series.  At least one author of each
accepted  paper must  register   for the conference  and present   the

- Sebastian Thrun (Stanford University)
- Luc Steels (Free University of Brussels)
- Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester)


General Chair:
 Ulrich Furbach, University Koblenz-Landau

Program Committee:
 Slim Abdennadher, The German University in Cairo
 Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg
 Franz Baader, University of Dresden
 Peter Baumgartner, Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (Workshop Chair)
 Michael Beetz, University of Munich
 Susanne Biundo, University of Ulm
 Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig
 Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Humboldt University Berlin
 Juergen Dix, University of Clausthal
 Christian Freksa, University of Bremen
 Ulrich Furbach, University Koblenz-Landau (General Chair)
 Enrico Giunchiglia, Genova University
 Guenther Goerz, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nurenberg
 Andreas Guenther, University of Hamburg
 Joachim Hertzberg, University of Osnabrueck (Tutorial Chair)
 Otthein Herzog, TZI University of Bremen
 Steffen Hoelldobler, University of Dresden
 Werner Horn, University of Vienna
 Stefan Kirn, University of Hohenheim
 Gerhard Kraetzschmar, University of Ulm
 Rudolf Kruse, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
 Nicholas Kushmerick, University College Dublin
 Gerhard Lakemeyer, University of Aachen
 Hans-Hellmut Nagel, University of Karlsruhe
 Bernhard Nebel, University of Freiburg
 Bernd Neumann, University of Hamburg
 Ilkka Niemelae, Helsinki University of Technologie
 Frank Puppe, University of Wuerzburg
 Martin Riedmiller, University of Osnabrueck 
 Ulrike Sattler, University of Manchester
 Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, University of Paris 6
 Joerg Siekmann, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
 Steffen Staab, University Koblenz-Landau
 Frieder Stolzenburg, University of Applied Studies and Research, Harz
 Sylvie Thiebaux, The Australian National University, Canberra
 Michael Thielscher, University of Dresden
 Toby Walsh, National ICT Australia
 Gerhard Weiss, University of Munich

Workshop Chair:
 Peter Baumgartner, Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics

Tutorial Chair:
 Joachim Hertzberg, University of Osnabrueck


KI 2005
ki2005 at uni-koblenz.de

Jan Murray
(AI Research Group, U Koblenz)

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