[DL] Beth Dissertation Prize

Carlos Areces carlos at science.uva.nl
Wed Jan 19 12:54:52 CET 2005

E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize: call for submissions.

Since 2002, FoLLI (the European Association for Logic, Language, and 
Information, www.folli.org) awards the E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize to 
outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language, and 
Information. Submissions are invited for 2004. The prize will be awarded 
to the best dissertation which resulted in a Ph.D. in the year 2004. The 
dissertations will be judged on the impact they made in their respective 
fields, breadth and originality of the work, and also on the 
interdisciplinarity of the work. Ideally the winning dissertation will be 
of interest to researchers in all three fields.

Who qualifies: Those who were awarded a Ph.D. degree in the areas of 
Logic, Language, or Information between January 1st, 2004 and December 
31st, 2004. There is no restriction on the nationality of the candidate 
or the university where the Ph.D. was granted. However, after a careful 
consideration, FoLLI has decided to accept only dissertations written in 

Prize: The prize consists of

· a certificate
· an invitation to present the thesis during ESSLLI 05
· a donation of 2500 euros provided by the E. W. Beth Foundation.
· fee waive for ESSLLI 05 attendance
· the possibility to publish the thesis (or a revised version of it) 
  in the new series of books in Logic, Language and Information to be 
  published by Springer-Verlag as part of LNCS or LNCS/LNAI. (Further 
  information on this series will be posted on the FoLLI site soon.)

How to submit: We only accept electronic submissions. The following 
documents are required:

   1. the thesis in pdf or ps format (doc/rtf not accepted);
   2. a ten page abstract of the dissertation in ascii or pdf format;
   3. a letter of nomination from the thesis supervisor. Self-nominations 
      are not admitted: each nomination must be sponsored by the thesis 
      supervisor. The letter of nomination should concisely describe the 
      scope and significance of the dissertation and state when the 
      degree was officially awarded;
   4. two additional letters of support, including at least one letter 
      from a referee not affiliated with the academic institution that 
      awarded the Ph.D. degree.

All documents must be submitted electronically to 
beth_award at dimi.uniud.it. Hard copy submissions are not admitted.

If you experience any problems with the email submission or do not receive 
a notification from us within three working days, please write to 
policriti at dimi.uniud.it or folli at inf.unibz.it

    * Important dates:
      Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2005.
      Notification of Decision: June 30, 2005.

The prize will be officially assigned to the winner at ESSLLI'05 
(http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/esslli05/), the 17th European Summer School in 
Logic, Language, and Information, to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 
August 9-19, 2005. Prize winner will be expected to attend the ceremony 
and to give a presentation of her/his Ph.D. dissertation at ESSLLI?05.


· Anne Abeillé (Université Paris 7)
· Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
· Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University)
· Nissim Francez (The Technion, Haifa)
· Valentin Goranko (University of Johannesburg)
· Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa)
· Ewa Orlowska (Institute of Telecommunications, Poland)
· Gerald Penn (University of Toronto)
· Alberto Policriti (chair) (Università di Udine)
· Christian Retoré (Université Bordeaux 1 )
· Rob van der Sandt (University of Nijmegen)
· Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)

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