[DL] [WWW 2004] CFP Workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web
Daniel Schwabe
schwabe.ontoweb at mailnull.com
Mon Mar 15 21:27:10 CET 2004
{Please excuse duplicates}
WWW2004 Workshop
Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web
* Daniel Schwabe (dschwabe at inf.puc-rio.br) - Contact
* Christoph Bussler (Chris.Bussler at DERI.ie)
* Stefan Decker(Stefan.Decker at DERI.ie)
* Oscar Pastor (opastor at dsic.upv.es)
The Semantic Web has generated a lot of activity in the research community,
and is gaining tremendous momentum. Semantically tagged data is starting to
become available, and the first web sites based on Semantic Web related
technologies are already online. At the same time, Web Services have become
a reality, and a great deal of interest has been generated with respect to
Semantic Web Services. In summary, applications based on the Semantic Web
and Web Services are already becoming a reality.
Still, participating in the Semantic Web is hard – authoring of data and
metadata, and building of applications based on the authored metadata is a
costly, high effort tasks.
On the other hand, the Web Engineering community has investigated numerous
issues related to the design and implementation of web-based applications.
Most methodological proposals that have been put forward are based on
formally specified models, with similar expressive power as those used
being proposed for the Semantic Web. A lot of experience has been gathered
with respect to how to design, develop and implement web-based applications
in general.
As a consequence of these tendencies, a natural convergence on several
important research topics is occurring. So possible synergies occur on
several levels:
* Web site models can be represented by Semantic Web languages.
The available Semantic Web infrastructure is immediately applicable for the
Web Engineering field, thus making the processing of Web site models
* Infrastructure for the creation of Semantic Web Portals have
just started to emerge. Web engineering provides proven technology, which
can be adapted to the specific needs with respect to metadata and the
Semantic Web applications.
The goal of this workshop is to identify and examine these and other
possible synergies in detail and compare approaches of the different
communities with respect to (Semantic) Web and Web Service-based applications.
The workshop will be organized around solicited presentations, where case
studies are discussed whenever possible. The submissions will be selected
by a steering committee with members of both communities.
Below is a non-exaustive list of possible themes:
* Authoring methods for applications in the Semantic Web
* Representation issues for Web Engineering
* Reuse issues, including, for example, ontology integration, design
patterns, frameworks, and so forth
* Use of Service Oriented Architectures and Semantic Web Services
* Personalization and adaptation
* Efficient manipulation of large volumes of semantically tagged data
* Integration of search techniques enriched with semantic meta-data into
web applications
* Cooperation amongst applications based on Web Services technologies
* Application interoperability based on Semantic Web and Web Services
Contributions should be formated according to these instructions
(http://server2.tecweb.inf.puc-rio.br/we-sw-2004/instruct.doc), which
follow the IEEE proceedings format. The length should be between 4 and 8
formatted pages, and should include, whenever possible, practical
experience and related work.
Please send your contribution in PDF format to dschwabe at inf.puc-rio.br.
*Expected outcome*
We expect to develop a research agenda of common topics of interest that
will allow existing initiatives to benefit from results already achieved in
applicable areas. In addition, it is expected that new topics will be
identified as critical, but that have not yet received enough attention
from the research community.
The proceedings will be published as a technical report, as well as being
made available online. Original work will be considered for publication in
the Journal of Web Engineering.
*Important Dates*
Submission of Manuscript April 4, 2004
Acceptance Notification April 26, 2004
Final Manuscript Due May 3, 2004
Workshop May 18,2004
Daniel Schwabe Dept. de Informatica, PUC-Rio
Tel:+55-21-3114 1500 r. 4356 R. M. de S. Vicente, 225
Fax: +55-21-3114 1530 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
22453-900, Brasil
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