[DL] CFP: Extended Deadline: June 25: Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (colocated with VLDB 2003)

Stefan Decker stefan at ISI.EDU
Sun May 11 20:51:51 CEST 2003

                   *******CALL FOR PAPERS*******
                New: Extended Deadline: June 25, 2003

                            Workshop on
                     Semantic Web and Databases
                      colocated with VLDB 2003
                          Berlin, Germany
                       September 7-8, 2003
           Workshop URL: http://swdb.semanticweb.org

Topics and Content
The  Semantic  Web is a key initiative being promoted by the World
Wide  Web  Consortium  (W3C) as the next generation of the current
web.   Machine-understandable   metadata  is  emerging  as  a  new
foundation   for   component-based   approaches   to   application
development.   Within   the   context   of   reusable  distributed
components,   Web  services  represent  the  latest  architectural
advancement.  Such  concepts can be synthesized providing powerful
new  mechanisms  for  quickly  modeling,  creating  and  deploying
complex  applications  that  readily  adapt  to  real  world need.

The  objective  of  this  workshop  is  to  present  database  and
information system research as they relate to the Semantic Web and
more  broadly, to gain insight into the Semantic Web technology as
it    relates    to    databases    and    information    systems.
Topics   of   interest   include   but   are   not   limited   to:

Infrastructure:  component  models (e.g., J2EE, .NET); distributed
object-based   architectures;   scalability,   extensibility   and
robustness  of  applications;  algebras  for modeling and ontology
management;  creation,  maintenance and versioning of annotations,
metadata and mappings; tools (including visual tools) for creating
components  (e.g.,  ontologies,  mappings,  views, etc.); workflow
systems,  web  services  and quality of service contracts; support
for negotiation and trust; security; Peer-to-Peer systems.

Semantics:   conceptual  clustering  and  statistical  approaches;
social  networks  and  consensus  analysis approaches; information
analysis  accuracy  (e.g.,  precision,  recall,  false positives);
ontologies,     conceptual     models,     taxonomies;    semantic
interoperability  and  integration;  semantic  composition  of web
services;  view definition and transformations (e.g., global/local
as  view);  query algebras for combined data and metadata queries;
semantics-based  query relaxation techniques, loss of information;
logic  based (centralized and distributed) inferences; intensional
query answering; emergent semantics.

Applications:   Semantic  Web  applications  (prototypes,  pilots,
deployed)  based  on  XML, RDF, and various variants; web services
based  applications  (prototypes, pilots, deployed) based on WSDL,
SOAP,  UDDI,  ebXML  and other related standards; natural language
processing;   Semantics-based   integration  of  data/applications
within     enterprises;    geographical    information    systems;
bio-informatics;  business  aspects  for Semantic Web applications
(e.g.,   return   of  investment,  sustainable  business  models).

Joint Sessions
We are aiming at organizing a joint session with the International
Workshop   On  Databases,  Information  Systems  and  Peer-to-Peer
Computing      (http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/dbisp2p/)     about
"Semantics in P2P Systems".

Submission and Important Dates
We invite the submission of short (up to six pages) and long
papers (up to twenty pages) on:

*research, focusing on foundational or technological aspects
*experience, describing industrial aspects
*position, discussing a wide variety of issues

The  submitted  papers should be formatted as close as possible to
the        rules        of        Springer        LNCS        (see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html,             section
"Proceedings   and  Other  Multi-author  Volumes"  for  formatting
Please  submit  documents as HTML, PDF, or Word to Isabel Cruz
(ifc at cs.uic.edu) and Stefan Decker (stefan at isi.edu).

Revised Submission Deadline: June 25, 2003.
Notification of Acceptance: August 11, 2003.
Camera Ready Papers Due: August 18, 2003.
Workshop:  September 7-8, 2003.

Workshop Chairs
Program Committee Chairs
Isabel Cruz
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
ifc at cs.uic.edu

Vipul Kashyap
National Library of Medicine, NIH, USA
kashyap at nlm.nih.gov

Proceedings and Publicity Chair
Stefan Decker
USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
stefan at isi.edu

Organization Chair
Rainer Eckstein
Humboldt University, Germany
Rainer. Eckstein at informatik.hu-berlin.de

Program Committee
*Karl Aberer, EPFL, Switzerland
*Sibel Adali, Rensselaer Polytechnic I., USA
*Paolo Atzeni, U. Rome Tre, Italy
*Olivier Bodenreider, NLM, NIH, USA
*Alex Borgida, Rutgers U., USA
*Stéphane Bressan, National U. of Singapore
*Christoph Bussler, Oracle, USA
*Isabel Cruz, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA
*Umesh Dayal, HP Labs, USA
*Stefan Decker, USC-ISI, USA
*Max Egenhofer, U. Maine, USA
*Rainer Eckstein, Humboldt U., Germany
*Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
*Mary Fernandez, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
*Susan Gauch, U. Kansas, USA
*Carole Goble, U. Manchester, UK
*Rick Hull, Lucent Technology, USA
*Vipul Kashyap, NLM-NIH, USA
*Maurizio Lenzerini, U. Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
*Ling Liu, Georgia Tech, USA
*Robert Meersman, Vrije U., Belgium
*John Mylopoulos, U. Toronto, Canada
*Aris Ouksel, U. Illinois at Chicago, USA
*Dimitris Plexousakis, U. Crete, Greece
*Steve Ray, NIST, USA
*Amit Sheth, U. Georgia and Semagix, USA
*Surya Sripada, Boeing, USA
*Munindar Singh, N. Carolina U., USA
*V.S. Subrahmanian, U. Maryland, USA
*Rudi Studer, U. Karlsruhe, Germany
*Ram Sriram, NIST, USA
*Clement Yu, U. Illinois at Chicago, USA

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