<div dir="ltr"><div>(Apologies for multiple posting)</div><div><br></div>   SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS<br>   34th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2021<br>   September 19-22, 2021 - Bratislava, Slovakia<br><a href="http://dl.kr.org/dl2021" target="_blank">http://dl.kr.org/dl2021</a><br><br> The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic<br> research community. It is the forum in which those interested in<br> description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss<br> ideas, share information and compare experiences. The 34th edition will<br> be held in Bratislava, Slovakia from September 19th to 22nd, 2021, and<br> will be co-located with a number of events as part of Bratislava<br> Knowledge September (BAKS 2021, see <a href="https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/baks2021/" target="_blank">https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/baks2021/</a>).<br> For more information on the DL workshop, see <a href="http://dl.kr.org/dl2021" target="_blank">http://dl.kr.org/dl2021</a>.<br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br> 16 Jun 2021   Paper registration deadline<br> 23 Jun 2021   Paper submission deadline<br> 12 Jul 2021   Fast-track notification of acceptance (see below)<br>  9 Aug 2021   Notification of acceptance<br> 30 Aug 2021   Camera-ready version due<br> 19-22 Sep 2021  DL workshop<br><br>WORKSHOP SCOPE<br> We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics, including,<br> but not limited to:<br>  * Foundations of description logics:<br>   decidability and complexity of reasoning, expressive power, novel<br>   inference problems, inconsistency management, reasoning techniques,<br>   modularisation, ontology extraction, abductive and inductive<br>   reasoning<br>  * Extensions of description logics:<br>   closed-world and non-monotonic reasoning, epistemic reasoning,<br>   temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, query answering,<br>   reasoning over dynamic information<br>  * Integration of description logics with other formalisms:<br>   object-oriented representation languages, database query languages,<br>   constraint-based programming, logic programming, and rule-based<br>   systems<br>  * Applications and use areas of description logics:<br>   ontology engineering, ontology languages, databases, ontology-based<br>   data access, semi-structured data, graph-structured data, linked<br>   data, document management, natural language, learning, explanations,<br>   planning, Semantic Web, cloud computing, conceptual modeling,<br>   web services, business processes, practical experiences, case<br>   studies, feasibility studies<br>  * Systems and tools of all kinds around description logics:<br>   reasoners, ontology editors, ontology alignment, ontology<br>   extraction, other support for ontology development, database<br>   schema design, query rewriting/answering/optimization, data<br>   integration, implementation and optimization techniques,<br>   benchmarking, evaluation, modelling<br><br>INVITED SPEAKERS<br> Claudia d’Amato, University of Bari, Italy<br> Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, City University of London, UK<br> Nicole Schweikardt, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany<br> Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler Research Institute,<br>   Trento, Italy (joint with DAO-XAI)<br><br>SUBMISSIONS<br> Submissions may be of two types:<br><br>  A Regular papers of up to 11 pages (excluding references).<br><br>  B Abstracts of up to 2 pages (excluding references).<br><br> Both regular papers and abstracts must be formatted using the Springer<br> LNCS style with the correct fonts and submitted via:<br>  <a href="https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dl2021" target="_blank">https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dl2021</a><br><br> Submissions of type A must contain enough substance that it can be<br> cited in other publications and may not have appeared before.  A<br> clearly marked appendix with additional proofs and evaluation data may<br> be included.<br><br> Submissions of type B may optionally include a clearly marked appendix<br> with additional proofs, evaluation data, or extended version of your<br> paper, which was accepted at another conference or which you submitted<br> or plan to submit to another conference. In the latter case the abstract<br> should specify where the paper has been accepted or is under review.<br><br> The appendix will be read at the discretion of the reviewers and will<br> not be included in the proceedings. The appendix does not need to be<br> in LNCS format.<br><br> The proceedings will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.<br> Due to a change of policy at CEUR-WS.org papers of type B are no<br> longer indexed by <a href="http://dblp.org/" target="_blank">dblp.org</a> and the case of an abstract of a<br> pre-published paper may require a permission by the copyright holder.<br><br> Accepted submissions of both types will be selected for either oral or<br> poster presentation at the workshop. Submissions will be judged solely<br> based on their content, and the type of submission will have no bearing<br> on the decision between oral and poster presentation.<br><br> Authors who require a visa to travel to Slovakia and for this<br> reason would like to receive notification earlier than 12 July may<br> request fast-track reviewing. To do so, authors should send an e-mail<br> to <a href="mailto:dl2021@easychair.org" target="_blank">dl2021@easychair.org</a>, including the submission number of the paper<br> and a statement explaining the circumstances that require fast-track<br> review.<br><br>COVID STATEMENT<br> The organizing committee is closely monitoring the epidemic situation<br> both globally and locally in Slovakia. We do hope that with the<br> increasing rate of vaccination it is still likely that we will be able<br> to hold DL 2021 as an in-person meeting. We are committed to ensure<br> inclusivity of the event, and we will therefore consider individually<br> the needs of any authors who for health reasons or travel restrictions<br> will not be able to come in person, and we will allow virtual<br> participation for these authors. If the further development will require<br> this, we are also prepared to switch DL2021 to a fully virtual event.<br><br>PROGRAM COMMITTEE<br> Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen<br> Franz Baader, TU Dresden<br> Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS, University of Bordeaux<br> Alex Borgida, Rutgers University<br> Stefan Borgwardt, TU Dresden<br> Arina Britz, Stellenbosch University<br> Diego Calvanese, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano & Umeå University<br> David Carral, TU Dresden<br> Ismail Ilkan Ceylan, University of Oxford<br> Jieying Chen, University of Oslo<br> Roberto Confalonieri, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano<br> Bernardo Cuenca Grau, University of Oxford<br> Cristina Feier, University of Bremen<br> Laura Giordano, DISIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale<br> Birte Glimm, Universität Ulm<br> Victor Gutierrez-Basulto, Cardiff University<br> Martin Homola, University of Bratislava<br> Yazmin A. Ibanez-Garcia, Cardiff University<br> Jean Christoph Jung, University of Hildesheim<br> Yevgeny Kazakov, The University of Ulm<br> Maria Keet, University of Cape Town<br> Stanislav Kikot, Birkbeck College<br> Boris Konev, University of Liverpool<br> Patrick Koopmann, TU Dresden<br> Egor V. Kostylev, University of Oxford<br> Markus Krötzsch, TU Dresden<br> Jakub Kuklis, University of Warsaw<br> Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano<br> Domenico Lembo, Sapienza University of Rome<br> Carsten Lutz, Universität Bremen<br> Barbara Morawska, Ahmedabad University<br> Filip Murlak, University of Warsaw<br> Linh Anh Nguyen, University of Warsaw<br> Magdalena Ortiz, Vienna University of Technology<br> Ana Ozaki, University of Bergen<br> Fabio Papacchini, University of Liverpool<br> Jeff Pan, The University of Edinburgh<br> Peter Patel-Schneider, Xerox PARC<br> Rafael Peñaloza, University of Milano-Bicocca<br> Andreas Pieris, The University of Edinburgh<br> Antonella Poggi, Sapienza University of Rome<br> Denis Ponomaryov, Novosibirsk State University<br> Guilin Qi, Southeast University<br> Riccardo Rosati, Sapienza University of Rome<br> Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden<br> Vladislav Ryzhikov, Birkbeck College<br> Leif Sabellek, University of Bremen<br> Uli Sattler, The University of Manchester<br> Stefan Schlobach, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam<br> Renate Schmidt, The University of Manchester<br> Barış Sertkaya, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences<br> Mantas Simkus, TU Wien<br> Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau<br> Giorgos Stamou, National Technical University of Athens<br> Umberto Straccia, ISTI-CNR<br> David Toman, University of Waterloo<br> Nicolas Troquard, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano<br> Ivan Varzinczak, Univ. Artois and CNRS<br> Grant Weddell, University of Waterloo<br> Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool<br> Yizheng Zhao, Nanjing University<br><br>GENERAL CHAIR & LOCAL ORGANISER<br> Martin Homola     University of Bratislava<br><br>PC CHAIRS<br> Vladislav Ryzhikov  Birkbeck College, London<br> Renate Schmidt    The University of Manchester<br></div>