<div dir="ltr">KR20 - Second Call for <span class="gmail-il">Tutorial</span> and Workshop Proposals<br>
       ** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call **<br>
       ** Please distribute to interested parties **<br>
               Call for <span class="gmail-il">Tutorial</span> and Workshop Proposals<br>
17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation <br>
and Reasoning (<span class="gmail-il">KR</span> <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>)<br>
                           Rhodes, Greece<br>
            <span class="gmail-il">Tutorials</span> and Workshops: 12-14 September <span class="gmail-il">2020</span><br>
             <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> main program: 15-18 September <span class="gmail-il">2020</span><br>
                      <a href="http://kr2020.inf.unibz.it" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://<span class="gmail-il">kr2020</span>.inf.unibz.it</a><br>
*** Deadline (for proposal submissions): 24 January <span class="gmail-il">2020</span> ***<br>
For its <span class="gmail-il">2020</span> edition, <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> will solicit proposals for both the <span class="gmail-il">Tutorial</span> <br>
and Workshop tracks. <span class="gmail-il">Tutorials</span> and workshops will be held prior to the <br>
<span class="gmail-il">KR</span> main technical program, which will run from 12th to 18th of September <br>
<span class="gmail-il">2020</span>. The attendance of <span class="gmail-il">tutorials</span> is complimentary to all <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> registered <br>
participants. Workshop attendance will be subject to payment of a <br>
workshop fee, which is separate from that of the main conference.<br>
Each proposal (<span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> or workshop) should be in English and must be <br>
submitted electronically to the email address: <br>
<a href="mailto:kr20-workshops-tutorials@tu-dresden.de" target="_blank">kr20-workshops-<span class="gmail-il">tutorials</span>@tu-dresden.de</a>.<br>
For all accepted proposals, <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> will take care of all local arrangements.<br>
* SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR <span class="gmail-il">TUTORIAL</span> PROPOSALS *<br>
Each <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> proposal should contain the following information:<br>
- A short title of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>.<br>
- A two-paragraph description of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>.<br>
- Proposed length of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> (half day is the default and <br>
recommended length, but an argument can be made for a full day <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>).<br>
- A one page outline of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>.<br>
- The potential target audience for the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> and prerequisite knowledge.<br>
- A brief resume of the presenter(s) including:<br>
  . Name, affiliation, and email address.<br>
  . Evidence of scholarship in the area, including a list of relevant <br>
The main duties of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> organizers are:<br>
- Setup a web-page for the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>, which should include, at least, <br>
title and abstract of the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>, presenters’ details, outline, <br>
<span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> notes and related reading material.<br>
- Deliver the <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> at <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
Each accepted <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> will entitle a discount on the <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> registration <br>
fee for one <span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span> presenter.<br>
Each workshop proposal should contain the following information:<br>
- Title of the workshop and acronym,<br>
- Names, affiliations, and contact details of the organizers,<br>
- Short description and format of the workshop,<br>
- History of the workshop (if applicable) and related events,<br>
- Expected number of participants of the workshop and its duration (half <br>
day, one day, …),<br>
- Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations, and<br>
- Tentative call for papers.<br>
The main duties of the chair of each accepted workshop are:<br>
- Set up a webpage for the workshop,<br>
- Advertise the workshop and distribute its call for papers,<br>
- Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions,<br>
- If workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the organizers <br>
to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings,<br>
- Organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local <br>
organizers and the <span class="gmail-il">KR</span> workshop co-Chairs, and<br>
- Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content.<br>
Each accepted proposal will be waived two workshop registrations to be <br>
used at the discretion of the organisers (e.g., to cover the <br>
registration of an invited speaker).<br>
<span class="gmail-il">KR</span> reserves the right to cancel a workshop if it does not have enough <br>
participants to cover its running costs.<br>
- Proposal submission deadline: 24 January <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
- Notification: 21 February <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
- Workshops paper submission deadline: 8 June <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
- Workshops paper notification: 13 July <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
- Workshops registration deadline: TBA.<br>
- <span class="gmail-il">Tutorial</span> and workshop dates: 12-14 September <span class="gmail-il">2020</span>.<br>
Inquiries and also submissions should be sent by email to the <br>
<span class="gmail-il">tutorial</span>/workshop chairs:<br>
Anni-Yasmin Turhan and Renata Wassermann<br>
<a href="mailto:kr20-workshops-tutorials@tu-dresden.de" target="_blank">kr20-workshops-<span class="gmail-il">tutorials</span>@tu-dresden.de</a><div class="gmail-adL"><br><br></div></div>