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<div>ICLP 2017 Call for Papers<br>
<div>The 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017) </div>
<div>will take place in Melbourne, Australia alongside SAT 2017 and CP 2017, <br>
<div>from August 28th to September 1st, 2017 which is the week immediately </div>
<div>following IJCAI 2017.<br>
<div>Full information at http://iclp17.a4lp.org</div>
<div>Call for Papers at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/call_for_papers.html<br>
<div>Conference Scope</div>
<div>Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been</div>
<div>the premier international conference for presenting research in logic</div>
<div>programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic</div>
<div>programming, including but not restricted to:</div>
<div> - Theory: Semantic Foundations, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic Reasoning,</div>
<div> Knowledge Representation.</div>
<div> - Implementation: Compilation, Virtual Machines, Parallelism,</div>
<div> Constraint Handling Rules, Tabling.</div>
<div> - Environments: Program Analysis, Transformation, Validation,</div>
<div> Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.</div>
<div> - Language Issues: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility,</div>
<div> Higher Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.</div>
<div> - Related Paradigms: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic Programming,</div>
<div> Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming, SAT-Checking.</div>
<div> - Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data Integration and Federation,</div>
<div> Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Web and Semantic</div>
<div> Web, Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and</div>
<div> Education.</div>
<div>In addition to the presentations of accepted papers, the technical</div>
<div>program will include invited talks, advanced tutorials, the doctoral</div>
<div>consortium, and several workshops.</div>
<div>Important Dates (RP: Regular Paper / TC: Technical Communication)</div>
<div>- RP registration (abstract): 10 March, 2017</div>
<div>- RP submission: 17 March, 2017</div>
<div>- First notification (RPs): 24 April, 2017</div>
<div>- TC submission (extra round): 1 May, 2017</div>
<div>- Revision submission (RPs): 15 May, 2017</div>
<div>- Final notifications (RPs + TCs): 29 May, 2017</div>
<div>- Camera-ready copy (RPs + TCs): 19 June, 2017</div>
<div>- Conference: 28 Aug / 1 Sep, 2017</div>
<div>Submission Details</div>
<div>All submissions must be made via the EasyChair conference system</div>
<div>(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclp2017). Submissions of</div>
<div>regular papers (RPs) must follow the condensed TPLP format (template</div>
<div>available from ICLP’s web page) and not exceed 14 pages including</div>
<div>bibliography. RPs may be supplemented with appendices for proofs and</div>
<div>details of datasets which do not count towards the page limit and</div>
<div>which will be available as appendices to the published paper. Three</div>
<div>kinds of RPs will be accepted:</div>
<div> * Technical papers for technically sound, innovative ideas that can</div>
<div> advance the state of logic programming;</div>
<div> * Application papers that impact interesting application domains;</div>
<div> * System and tool papers which emphasize novelty, practicality,</div>
<div> usability, and availability of the systems and tools described.</div>
<div>Application, system, and tool papers need to be clearly marked in</div>
<div>their title.</div>
<div>All submissions must be written in English and describe original,</div>
<div>previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be</div>
<div>submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply</div>
<div>to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or</div>
<div>without archival proceedings.</div>
<div>Papers of the highest quality will be selected to be published in the</div>
<div>journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge</div>
<div>University Press (CUP). In order to ensure the quality of the final</div>
<div>version, papers may be subject to more than one round of refereeing</div>
<div>(within the decision period).</div>
<div>The program committee may recommend some RPs to be published as</div>
<div>Technical Communications (TCs). TCs will be published by Dagstuhl</div>
<div>Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). TCs must</div>
<div>follow the OASIcs format (template available from ICLP’s web page) and</div>
<div>not exceed 14 pages excluding the bibliography and a short appendix</div>
<div>(up to 5 more pages). TC’s authors can also elect to convert their</div>
<div>submissions into extended abstracts, of 2 or 3 pages, for inclusion in</div>
<div>the OASIcs proceedings. This should allow authors to submit a long</div>
<div>version elsewhere.</div>
<div>There is also a second submission round only for TCs. Submissions to</div>
<div>this extra round must also follow the OASIcs format indicated</div>
<div>above. RPs accepted as TCs do not need to be resubmitted to the TC</div>
<div>extra round. Rejected RPs cannot be resubmitted as TCs.</div>
<div>All RPs and TCs will be presented during the conference. Authors of</div>
<div>accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the</div>
<div>list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic</div>
<div>Programming Newsletter at no cost.</div>
<div>Conference Organization</div>
<div>General Chairs:<br>
<div>- Maria Garcia de la Banda Monash University, Australia</div>
<div>- Guido Tack Monash University, Australia</div>
<div>Program Chairs:<br>
<div>- Ricardo Rocha University of Porto, Portugal</div>
<div>- Tran Cao Son New Mexico State University, USA</div>
<div>Workshop Chair:<br>
<div>- Enrico Pontelli New Mexico State University, USA</div>
<div>Publicity Chair:<br>
<div>- Tommaso Urli Australian National University, Australia</div>
<div>Sponsorship Chair:<br>
<div>- Maria Garcia de la Banda Monash University, Australia</div>
<div>Doctoral Consortium Chair (joint event with CP and SAT):<br>
<div>- Neda Saeedloei University of Minnesota Duluth, USA</div>
<div>- Christopher Mears Monash University, Australia</div>
<div>Programming Contest Chairs:​<br>
<div>- Paul Fodor Stony Brook University, USA</div>
<div>- Graeme Gange University of Melbourne, Australia</div>
<div>Web Presence:</div>
<div>- Tommaso Urli Australian National University, Australia</div>
<div>Program Committee</div>
<div>See full program committee at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/program_committee.html</div>
<div>The ICLP 2017 program will include several workshops. They are perhaps</div>
<div>the best places for the presentation of preliminary work,</div>
<div>underdeveloped novel ideas, and new open problems to a wide and</div>
<div>interested audience with opportunities for intensive discussions and</div>
<div>project collaboration.</div>
<div>See call for workshop proposals at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/call_for_workshop_proposals</div>
<div>Doctoral Consortium</div>
<div>The Thirteen Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming [this year</div>
<div>being co-organized and taking place together with CP 2017 and SAT</div>
<div>2017] provides research students with the opportunity to present and</div>
<div>discuss their research directions, and to obtain feedback from both</div>
<div>peers and experts in the field. Accepted participants will receive</div>
<div>partial financial support to attend the event and the main</div>
<div>conference. The best paper from the DC will be given the opportunity</div>
<div>to present in a session of the main ICLP conference. Doctoral</div>
<div>consortium position papers, of between 10 and 14 pages, will also be</div>
<div>published as TCs.</div>
<div>Conference Venue</div>
<div>The venue will be the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition</div>
<div>Centre. Melbourne is the second most populous city in Australia and</div>
<div>the coastal capital of the south-eastern Australian state of</div>
<div>Victoria. Set on the shores of beautiful Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne</div>
<div>has been named the World’s Most Liveable City for six years running</div>
<div>and it is widely recognised as the cultural and culinary capital of</div>
<div>Australia. It is a safe, creative and multi-cultural city full of</div>
<div>exciting places to see, delicious foods to eat, and excellent events</div>
<div>to experience; from the Arts precinct to the river bank parks and</div>
<div>gardens to the buzzing city centre and the hidden thrills of</div>
<div>Melbourne’s laneways. It is also an air-hop away from breathtaking</div>
<div>destinations like The Great Barrier Reef, Sydney and Uluru.</div>
<div>The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) is located on</div>
<div>the banks of the iconic Yarra River in Melbourne's South Wharf. Given</div>
<div>its central location, it has a huge variety of accommodation close-by,</div>
<div>with more than 6000 rooms within walking distance. MCEC is easily</div>
<div>accessible by public transport, particularly as the Melbourne's city</div>
<div>centre has a free tram zone that makes it easier for tourists to move</div>
<div>around the city.</div>
<div>Related Events</div>
<div>Several other AI events will be held in Melbourne and other parts of</div>
<div>Australia close to these dates, offering attendees a variety of</div>
<div>choices for an extended itinerary. These events will include the</div>
<div>International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint</div>
<div>Programming (CP 2017) and the International Conference on Theory and</div>
<div>Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2017), both co-located</div>
<div>with ICLP 2017. The International Joint Conference on Artificial</div>
<div>Intelligence (IJCAI 2017), the Australasian Joint Conference on</div>
<div>Artificial Intelligence (AusAI 2017), the Australasian Conference on</div>
<div>Data Mining (AusDM 2017), and the International Conference on</div>
<div>Knowledge Science, Engineering, and Management (KSEM 2017) will all to</div>
<div>be held in Melbourne one week before ICLP. The International</div>
<div>Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2017) will also be held in Sydney</div>
<div>Australia shortly before ICLP 2017.</div>
<div>The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming</div>
<div>(ALP), the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP), Monash</div>
<div>University, and CSIRO Data61.</div>
<div>See the sponsor information at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/sponsors.html</div>
<div>Financial Assistance</div>
<div>The Association for Logic Programming has funds to assist financially</div>
<div>disadvantaged participants and, especially, students to enable them to</div>
<div>attend the conference. Inquiries should be made to the general chairs.</div>
<div>Unsubscribe *|EMAIL|* from this list:</div>
<div id="Signature">
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<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-1" style="color:rgb(47,183,135); font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold">Dr Tommaso Urli</span><span class="char-style-override-2" style="color:rgb(47,183,135); font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"></span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt">Researcher | Optimisation Platforms</span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"><strong>DATA61 | CSIRO</strong></span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-6" style="color:rgb(47,183,135); font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold">E</span><span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"> <a href="mailto:tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au" id="NoLP">tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au</a> </span><span class="char-style-override-6" style="color:rgb(47,183,135); font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold">T</span><span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"> +61
2 6218 3862 </span><span class="char-style-override-6" style="color:rgb(47,183,135); font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold">M</span><span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"> +61 403
464 731</span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt">Tower A Level 3, 7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601</span><span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"></span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-4" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt"><a href="www.data61.csiro.au" style="color:rgb(47,183,135)" id="NoLP">www.data61.csiro.au</a></span></p>
<p class="Basic-Paragraph" style="font-family:Calibri,serif; line-height:1.2; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px">
<span class="char-style-override-5" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold">CSIRO’s Digital Productivity business unit and NICTA have joined forces to create digital powerhouse Data61</span></p>
<p class="image" style="margin-bottom:12px; font-family:Times"><img alt="Data61 | CSIRO logo" src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7964705/paper04.png"></p>