<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Dear DL colleagues,<br><br></div>please note that UNIF is also interested in unification/matching and<br></div>related inferences in Description Logics.<br><br></div>Best regards,<br><br></div>-Franz<br><div><div><div><div><div><div><br>
Call for Papers<br>
UNIF 2016<br>
The 30th International Workshop on Unification<br>
<span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">June 26, 2016</span></span>, Porto, Portugal<br>
<a href="http://users.mat.unimi.it/users/ghilardi/UNIF2016/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://users.mat.unimi.it/users/ghilardi/UNIF2016/</a><br>
part of the First International Conference on<br>
Formal Structures of Computation and Deduction<br>
UNIF 2016 is the 30th event in a series of international<br>
meetings devoted to unification theory and its applications.<br>
Unification is concerned with the problem of making two<br>
terms equal, finding solutions for equations, or<br>
making formulas equivalent. It is a fundamental process<br>
used in a number of fields of computer science,<br>
including automated reasoning, term rewriting,<br>
logic programming, natural language processing,<br>
program analysis, types, etc.<br>
The International Workshop on Unification (UNIF) is a yearly<br>
forum for researchers in unification theory and related<br>
fields to meet old and new colleagues, to present recent<br>
(even unfinished) work, and to discuss new ideas and trends.<br>
It is also a good opportunity for young researchers and<br>
scientists working in related areas to get an overview of the<br>
current state of the art in unification theory.<br>
Topics of Interest<br>
A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest include:<br>
- Unification algorithms, calculi and implementations<br>
- Equational unification and unification modulo theories<br>
- Unification in modal, temporal and description logics<br>
- Admissibility of inference rules<br>
- Narrowing<br>
- Matching algorithms<br>
- Constraint solving<br>
- Combination problems<br>
- Disunification<br>
- Higher-Order unification<br>
- Type checking and reconstruction<br>
- Typed unification<br>
- Complexity issues<br>
- Query answering<br>
- Implementation techniques<br>
- Applications of unification<br>
- Antiunification/Generalization<br>
Following the tradition of UNIF, we call for submissions of<br>
abstracts (5 pages) in EasyChair style, to be submitted<br>
electronically as PDF files through the EasyChair submission<br>
<a href="https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=unif2016" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=unif2016</a><br>
Abstracts will be evaluated by the Programme Committee<br>
(if necessary with support from external reviewers)<br>
regarding their significance for the workshop. Accepted<br>
abstracts will be presented at the workshop and included in<br>
the informal proceedings of the workshop, available in printed<br>
form at the workshop and in electronic form from the UNIF<br>
<a href="http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/%7Etreinen/unif/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~treinen/unif/</a><br>
Based on the number and quality of submissions we will decide<br>
whether to organise a special journal issue.<br>
Important Dates<br>
* Paper Submission: <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">May 1, 2016</span></span><br>
* Notification of Acceptance: <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">May 29 2016</span></span><br>
* Final version: <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">June 5, 2016</span></span><br>
* Conference: <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">June 26, 2016</span></span><br>
Programme Committee<br>
* Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany<br>
* Philippe Balbiani, IRIT Toulouse, France<br>
* Wojciech Dzik, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland<br>
* Santiago Escobar, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain<br>
* Adria Gascon, University of Edinburgh, UK<br>
* Silvio Ghilardi, Universita di Milano, Italy (co-chair)<br>
* Artur Jez, Instytut Informatyki, Wroclaw, Poland<br>
* Temur Kutsia, RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria<br>
* Jordi Levy, IIIA-CSIC, Spain<br>
* Christopher Lynch, Clarkson University, USA<br>
* George Metcalfe, University of Bern, Switzerland<br>
* Barbara Morawska, TU Dresden, Germany<br>
* Paliath Narendran, University at Albany-SUNY, USA<br>
* Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA Lorraine, France<br>
* Manfred Schmidt-Schauss, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany (co-chair)<br>
* Mateu Villaret, Universitat de Girona, Spain<br>
For more information, please contact any of the two chairs<br>
Silvio Ghilardi and Manfred Schmidt-Schauß<br clear="all"><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>