(Apologies for cross-posting)<br />
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the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence<br />
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Under the general theme of “AI for human values”, ECAI 2016 (www.ecai2016.org) will be held in the city of The Hague, in sight the Peace Palace, seat of the International Court of Justice. This location is highly appropriate to the conference theme. The conference dates are 29 August - 2 September 2016, with the workshops taking place on 29-30 August.<br />
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The organising committee welcomes proposals for workshops by all members of the international AI community. There is no restriction regarding topics, as long as there is a clear relevance to ECAI. We encourage workshops in the traditional AI topics as Planning, Reasoning, Learning, Multi-Agent Systems etc., but also multidisciplinary topics as learning in automated software, AI for Computational Sustainability, AI in the serve of cyber security and so on.<br />
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Most workshops will follow the classical format of presentations of peer-reviewed papers followed by discussion, but other formats (e.g., AI competitions) and entirely new ideas are also welcome. Whatever the format, all workshops should be interactive events and ample time should be allocated to discussion. The typical duration for a workshop is one full day, but two-day or shorter workshops can also be accommodated.<br />
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If you are considering to propose a workshop or if you have any question, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the ECAI-2016 Workshop Chair Meir Kalech (workshop-chair@ecai2016.org).<br />
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== Important Dates ==<br />
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- Workshop proposal submission: 18 January 2016<br />
- Workshop proposal notification: 15 February 2016<br />
- Notification of workshop papers: 28 June 2016<br />
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== Further Information for Workshop Organizers ==<br />
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Proceedings: It is up to the workshop organizers to decide if they provide proceedings or not. ECAI-2014 will not issue workshop proceedings. Although the reviewing process is up to the workshop organisers, we suggest a submission deadline no later than June 1.<br />
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Registration: All workshop participants and organizers are required to register for the workshop and the main conference. Each workshop will be given 1 workshop-fee waiver to be used at the discretion of the organizers.<br />
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Cancellations: Please understand that we may have to cancel a workshop if not enough participants register or if deadlines are not met. We are aiming for 20 participants on average per workshop, with a minimum of 10.<br />
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== Submission details ==<br />
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Please submit your proposal by via easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=workshopsecai2016<br />
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Each workshop proposal (pdf file) must include:<br />
- Title and acronym<br />
- Names, affiliations, and contact details of all organizers (please indicate a primary contact person to whom correspondence should be directed).<br />
- Short description (workshop format and duration, tentative call for papers, tentative invited speakers and members of the program committee).<br />
- Audience: research groups working in the field; (if applicable) details about previous editions of the workshop; related workshops in other venues; expected number of submissions.<br />
- One paragraph about each organizer (scientific profile, previous events you have organized).<br />
Every information you deem to be relevant.<br />
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--<br />
Suzan Verberne, postdoctoral researcher<br />
Information Foraging Lab, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences<br />
Radboud University Nijmegen<br />
Tel: 0031 24 36 53431/15775<br />
Email: s.verberne@cs.ru.nl<br />
http://sverberne.ruhosting.nl<br />
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