[Apologies for cross-posting]<br><br><br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> Final CALL FOR PAPERS <br> OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE 2012)<br>
Collocated with IJCAR 2012 Conference<br> <a href="http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/isg/conferences/ORE2012/">http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/isg/conferences/ORE2012/</a><br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br><br>OBJECTIVES<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>OWL is a logic-based ontology language standard designed to promote interoperability, particularly in <br>the context of the (Semantic) Web. The standard has encouraged the development of numerous OWL reasoning <br>
systems, and such systems are already key components of many applications.<br><br>The goal of this workshop is to bring together the developers of reasoners for (subsets of) OWL, <br>including systems focusing on both intensional (ontology) and extensional (data) query answering. <br>
The workshop will give developers a perfect opportunity to promote their systems. <br><br><br>CALL FOR PAPERS<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>We solicit submissions which describe or evaluate one or more OWL reasoning and query answering systems. <br>
We invite submission of both SHORT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION papers and LONG SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION papers. <br>Survey papers describing and comparing multiple systems are also welcome. Papers should include a description of <br>
the system(s) in question, including: <br><br> * language subset(s) supported;<br><br> * syntax(es) and interface(s) supported;<br><br> * reasoning algorithm(s) implemented;<br><br> * important optimisation techniques used;<br>
<br> * particular advantages (or disadvantages);<br><br> * application focus (e.g., large datasets, large ontologies, complex ontologies, etc.);<br><br> * other novel or interesting features.<br><br><br>Full papers should also include an evaluation (see guidelines), preferably using (some of) the datasets provided. <br>
Short papers may also include a brief performance analysis.<br><br><br>EVALUATION GUIDELINES<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>If possible, evaluations should use the standard datasets provided and present results for the following reasoning <br>
tasks (where relevant for the system being evaluated):<br><br> * Classification. The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies. The total time taken to load and classify <br>each ontology should be reported. It would also be interesting to report on comparisons of the computed taxonomy <br>
with the "reference" taxonomies that are provided with the dataset.<br><br> * Class satisfiability. The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies, and for each ontology one or more <br>class URIs. The time taken to perform each test along with the satisfiability result for each class should be reported.<br>
<br> * Ontology satisfiability. That dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies. The total time taken to load and test <br>the satisfiability of each ontology should be reported, along with the satisfiability result for each ontology.<br>
<br> * Logical entailment. The dataset consists of a set of pairs of OWL ontologies. The total time take to determine if <br>the first ontology entails the second ontology should be reported, along with the entailment result (true or false).<br>
<br> * Instance retrieval. The dataset is an OWL ontology and a class expression. For each ontology the total time taken <br>to load the ontology and retrieve the sets of instances for each class expression should be reported. It would also be <br>
interesting to report on comparisons of the retrieved instances with the "reference" set that are provided with the dataset.<br><br>It is suggested that full results of any evaluations performed are made available via the web, with summaries of the results<br>
being included in the papers submission as space permits.<br><br><br>SUBMISSIONS<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Long papers must be no longer than 12 pages, while short papers must be no longer than 6 pages.<br>
<br>Submissions must be in PDF and should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines. <br>Submission is electronic through easychair.<br><br>All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee. Selected papers are to be published as a <br>
volume of CEUR workshop proceedings.<br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br> * Submission of abstracts: April 9th, 2012<br><br> * Paper submission deadline: April 16th, 2012<br>
<br> * (Optional) Submission of systems to SEALS platform: April 16th, 2012<br><br> * Notification of acceptance: May 7th, 2012<br><br> * Camera-ready papers due: May 25th, 2012<br><br> * Workshop: July 1st, 2012 (Half-day)<br>
<br><br>ORGANISATION<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br> * Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford, UK<br> * Mikalai Yatskevich, University of Oxford, UK<br> * Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, University of Oxford, UK<br>
* Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany<br> * Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA, Grenoble, France<br> * Pavel Klinov, Clark & Parsia, USA<br> * Jeff Heflin, Lehigh University, PA, USA<br> * Francisco Martin-Recuerda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain<br>
* Bijan Parsia, University of Manchester, UK<br> * Stefan Schlobach, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br> * Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria<br><br>For enquiries, please contact the Organisers at <a href="mailto:ore2012@easychair.org">ore2012@easychair.org</a><br>
<br><br><br><br>-- <br>Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz<br>Research Assistant<br>
Department of Computer Science<br>
University of Oxford<br>Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK<br><br><a href="http://krono.act.uji.es/people/Ernesto" target="_blank">http://krono.act.uji.es/people/Ernesto</a><br><a href="http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/ernesto.jimenez-ruiz/" target="_blank">http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/ernesto.jimenez-ruiz/</a><br>