Apologies for multiple messages<br><br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> ICLP-DC 2011<br><br> Seventh ICLP Doctoral Student Consortium<br>
to be held in Lexington, Kentucky, USA at the occasion of ICLP 2011<br> July 6th, 2011 <br><br> <a href="http://cmt.math.unipr.it/iclp-dc-2011">http://cmt.math.unipr.it/iclp-dc-2011</a> <br>
<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Introduction<br><br>The ICLP Doctoral Consortium (DC) is the seventh doctoral consortium to be offered as <br>part of the 27th International Conference on Logic Programming. The DC follows the very <br>
positive experience of the previous events held in Sitges (Spain) on October 3rd, <br>2005, in Seattle (WA) on August 21st, 2006, in Porto (Portugal) on September 8th, 2007, <br>in Udine (Italy) on December 10th, 2008, in Pasadena (USA) on July 15th, 2009 and in <br>
Edinburgh (Scotland) on July 20th, 2010.<br><br>The DC will take place during the ICLP 2011 in Lexington, Kentucky (USA). The Doctoral <br>Consortium is designed for doctoral students working in areas related to logic and <br>
constraint programming, with a particular emphasis to students interested in pursuing a <br>career in academia. The Consortium is also open to exceptional Master's students <br>developing MS Theses in Logic Programming. The Doctoral Consortium aims to provide <br>
students with an opportunity to present and discuss their research directions and to obtain <br>feedback from peers as well as world-renown experts in the field. <br><br>General Information<br><br>The aims of the Doctoral Consortium are:<br>
<br> * To provide doctoral students working in the field of logic and constraint programming <br> with a friendly and open forum to present their research ideas, listen to ongoing work <br> from peer students, and receive constructive feedback.<br>
* To provide students with relevant information about important issues for doctoral <br> candidates and future academics.<br> * To develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.<br>
* To support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on academic, <br> research, industrial, and non-traditional career paths.<br><br>The Consortium is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program, though we <br>
are also open to exceptions (e.g., students currently in a Masters program and interested <br>in doctoral studies). Students at any stage in their doctoral studies are encouraged to <br>apply. Applicants are expected to be conducting research in the field of Logic Programming; <br>
topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br><br> * Theoretical Foundations of Logic and Constraint Logic Programming<br> * Sequential and Parallel Implementation Technology<br> * Static and Dynamic Analysis, Abstract Interpretation, Compilation Technology, Verification<br>
* Logic-based Paradigms (e.g., Answer Set Programming, Concurrent Logic Programming, <br> Inductive Logic Programming)<br> * Innovative Applications of Logic Programming<br><br>Submissions by students who have presented their work at a previous ICLP Doctoral Consortia <br>
are allowed, but should occur only if there are substantial changes or improvements to the <br>student's work.<br><br>The Consortium allows participants to interact with established researchers and with other <br>students, through presentations, question- answer sessions, panel discussions, and invited <br>
presentations. The Doctoral Consortium will provide the possibility to reflect - through short <br>activities, information sessions, and discussions - on the process and lessons of research and <br>life in academia. Each participant will give a short, critiqued, research presentation.<br>
<br>Discussants:<br><br>Several renowned faculty members and researchers in the field of Logic Programming will join in <br>evaluating the submission packets and will participate in the Doctoral Consortium, providing <br>
feedback to the presenters.<br><br><br>**Important Dates**<br><br>New Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2011<br>Acceptance Notification: May 2nd, 2011<br>Last Date to Update Research Summary: May 8th, 2011 (tentative)<br>
Doctoral Consortium: July 6th, 2011<br>ICLP 2011 Conference: July 6-10, 2011<br><br><br>*Submission Process*<br><br>*Application Process:<br><br>To apply for participation to the ICLP 2011 Doctoral Consortium, prepare a submission package <br>
consisting of a cover letter, a research summary, and a letter of recommendation (e.g., from <br>your supervisor). The material should be submitted electronically, in PDF format.<br><br>*Review Criteria:<br><br>The ICLP Doctoral Consortium review committee will select participants based on their anticipated <br>
contribution to the Consortium objectives. Participants typically have settled on their thesis <br>directions and had their research proposal accepted by their thesis committee. Students will be <br>selected based on clarity and completeness of the submission packet, relevance of their research <br>
area w.r.t. the focus of the ICLP Conference, stage of research, advisor's letter, and evidence of <br>promise towards a successful research and academic career, such as published papers or technical <br>reports.<br><br>
*Award:<br><br>The ICLP Doctoral Consortium Discussants will review the submissions to select the ones to be <br>presented. The organizing committee is actively seeking support to offer scholarship packages to <br>accepted participants. We will update the web site as soon as we have more information regarding <br>
this.<br><br>*Submission Package<br><br>Send the submission package by e-mail to: <a href="mailto:iclp11dc@dbai.tuwien.ac.at">iclp11dc@dbai.tuwien.ac.at</a>. Include the three documents <br>as separate pdf files in attachment.<br>
<br>All submissions must be in English. Submissions will not be considered if they arrive after the <br>deadline. Your submission should not contain any proprietary or confidential material.<br><br>Detailed instructions for each of the documents follow below.<br>
<br>*Cover Page:<br><br>Please include the following information in the cover page:<br><br> 1. Statement of interest in participating in the Doctoral Consortium<br> 2. Full name and School and Department in which you are earning your doctorate degree<br>
3. Contact information - address, telephone number, and email address<br> 4. Title of your research and keywords pertinent to your research<br> 5. The URL of your web page (if any)<br> 6. Name of your supervising professor<br>
7. Current stage in your program of study, e.g. (Master/PhD student, start date)<br><br>*Research Summary:<br><br>Prepare your research summary as a PDF document, using either the same format style as for the <br>regular submissions to ICLP 2011, or the Springer Verlag LNCS Conference Publication Format.<br>
<br>Make sure to include your complete name, address and affiliation.<br><br>The body of your research summary (no more than 6 pages, but 3 is fine as well!) <br>should provide a clear overview of the research, its potential impact, and its current status. <br>
You are encouraged to include the following sections:<br><br> 1. Introduction and problem description<br> 2. Background and overview of the existing literature<br> 3. Goal of the research<br> 4. Current status of the research<br>
5. Preliminary results accomplished (if any)<br> 6. Open issues and expected achievements<br> 7. Bibliographical references<br><br>*Letter of Recommendation:<br><br>Include a letter of recommendation written by your Graduate Advisor or Thesis Advisor. Please, <br>
invite your advisor to include an assessment of the current status of your thesis research and <br>an indication of the expected deadline for thesis submission. In addition, your advisor should <br>indicate what she/he hopes you would gain from participation in the Doctoral Consortium.<br>
<br><br>*Chairs <br><br>Alessandro Dal Palu'<br>Math Dept<br>Parma University, Italy<br> <br>Stefan Woltran<br>Institute of Information Systems<br>TU Wien, Austria <br><br>