[DL] Spotlight Seminar on AI - PAOLO TRAVERSO - January 23 2024

Ghidini Chiara Chiara.Ghidini at unibz.it
Mon Jan 15 17:13:41 CET 2024

[* Apologies in case of multiple posting *]

The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence is pleased to announce the next seminar of its Spotlight Seminars on AI initiative:

January, 23 – 5:00PM (CEST)

Title: Planning and Acting to Learn

Speaker: PAOLO TRAVERSO, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

The aim of the seminar series is to illustrate, explore and discuss current scientific challenges, trends, and possibilities in all branches of our articulated research field. The seminars will be held virtually on the YouTube channel of the Association (https://www.youtube.com/c/AIxIAit), on a monthly basis (and made permanently available on that channel), by leading Italian researchers as well as by top international scientists.

The seminars are mainly aimed at a broad audience interested in AI research, and they are also included in the Italian PhD programme in Artificial Intelligence; indeed, AIxIA warmly encourages the attendance of young scientists and PhD students.


Bio: Paolo Traverso is the Director of Strategic Marketing and Business  Development at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) of more than 600 people working on Information and Communication Technologies, Sensors and Devices, and Social Sciences. From 2007 until the end of 2020 he was the Director of the Center for Information Technology – IRST (FBK-ICT), one of the FBK research centers with about 350 researchers,  project managers, developers, and PhD students. He joined IRST (now FBK) in 1989, after working for four years in the advanced technology groups of different companies for management information consulting in Chicago, London, and Milan where he first led the IRST lab working on software development and verification, automated planning and scheduling and then he was head of the Automated Reasoning Systems Division. In 2005, he was nominated EurAi/ECCAI fellow “for pioneering work in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and outstanding service to the AI community”. He has also been appointed as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) since January 2019. In addition to over one hundred published scientific papers – in international journals and conference proceedings – Paolo Traverso is also co-author of two main textbooks in Automated Planning:

  *   M. Ghallab, D. Nau, and P. Traverso. Automated Planning: Theory and Practice. Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2004. ISBN 1-55860-856-7. Chinese translation by Yunfei Jiang at Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, China

  *   M. Ghallab, D. Nau, and P. Traverso. Automated Planning and Acting. Cambridge University Press, 2016, ISBN 9781107037274.

Abstract: Most current AI applications (e.g., image classification or more in general perception tasks) are based on learning models that are pre-trained on datasets available before deployment. However, in many cases, e.g., agents that operate in real-world open-ended dynamic environments, it is unrealistic to assume that all the training datasets are available at once for all possible configurations of all potential environments. AI agents should autonomously learn/adapt/extend their models by acting in the environment. In this talk, I will show how agents can automate the process of collecting training data and using them to learn their models, how they can automatically evaluate the quality of the prediction of learned models and identify the situations in which the model's predictions are correct. I will show how it is possible to formalize such a learning task in a symbolic planning framework that can be used by the agent to autonomously plan for the learning process.


The Spotlight Seminars on AI Committee,

Giuseppe De Giacomo

Chiara Ghidini

Antonio Lieto

Luciano Serafini
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