[DL] Open faculty position at Télécom Paris on Language, Knowledge and AI (last call)

Antoine Amarilli a3nm.dl at a3nm.net
Tue Aug 30 08:50:45 CEST 2022

Dear DL mailing-list,

This is a second and last call after the summer break for our open
position at Telecom Paris with application deadline September 9, 2022.

Telecom Paris <https://www.telecom-paris.fr/>, one of the top French
Graduate Schools of Engineering, offers a full-time tenured academic
position as Associate Professor in the area of Artificial Intelligence,
with a focus on language, knowledge, and AI.

The candidate will join the DIG team (Data, Intelligence, Graphs)

The candidate is expected to have strong skills in at least one of the
following fields:

- Natural Language Processing
- Knowledge representation
- Logic, reasoning
- Online learning
- Data exploration
- Cognitive modeling

Online application:
Deadline for application: September 9, 2022.

Best regards,

Antoine Amarilli
Associate professor in DIG at Telecom Paris
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