[DL] positions available at the University of Warsaw

Filip Murlak fmurlak at mimuw.edu.pl
Wed Jan 19 12:08:17 CET 2022

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of
Warsaw (MIM UW) invites applications for the positions of Assistant
Professor (“adiunkt” in Polish) and Associate Professor (“profesor
uczelni”) in Computer Science, starting on 1st October 2022.

MIM UW is one of the leading computer science faculties in Europe. It is
known for talented students (e.g., two wins and 14 times in top ten in the
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest) and strong research
teams, especially in algorithms, logic and automata, and computational
biology. There is also a growing number of successful smaller groups in
diverse areas including cryptography, distributed systems, game theory, and
machine learning. There are six ERC grants in computer science running at
MIM UW at the moment.

In the current call, the following positions are offered (please follow the
links at the bottom of this message for more details):
1. Assistant Professor
2. S. Eilenberg Assistant Professor
(reduced teaching load and increased salary),
3. Associate Professor

Deadline for applications: 18th February, 2022.

For further information about the procedure, requirements, conditions,
etc., please contact Prof. Lukasz Kowalik (kowalik at mimuw.edu.pl) or Prof.
Filip Murlak (fmurlak at mimuw.edu.pl).



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