[DL] CFP SeBiLAn at WWW2021: The International Workshop on Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics

Faezeh Ensan fensan at ryerson.ca
Tue Jan 5 21:04:35 CET 2021

CFP SeBiLAn at WWW2021: The International Workshop on Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics

Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics (SeBiLAn2021)


Joint with The Web Conference 2021 (the International World Wide Web (WWW2021) Conference)

Ljubljana, Slovenia April 2021 (Online)



Important Dates

    Submission deadline: February 1, 2021
    Acceptance notifications: February 20, 2021
    Source files and Camera-ready PDFs: March 1, 2021


The main objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers from Web search, semantic Web, and biomedical communities, to present and discuss the latest methods and results in biomedical information and knowledge representation, integration, and retrieval. Given the fact that searching and retrieving all studies that address a research question is one of the initial and main important tasks in devising a systematic review, we also aim at investigating the application of semantics and Web search in creating biomedical systematic literature review. 

Researchers in the biomedical community have access to a tremendous amount of information (e.g. MEDLINE, the major database for biomedical research, has more than 26 million references to journal articles), which is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, existing biomedical data resources can lead to information overload,i.e., it is hardly possible for researchers to keep pace with available biomedical information on the Web or in biomedical knowledge bases. On the other hand, the huge amount of biomedical information can act as valuable sources for knowledge discovery and learning algorithms. This workshop will explore both sides of the coin: we are interested in exploring effective solutions for searching over biomedical literature based on the knowledge extracted from biomedical sources. Effective search helps researchers explore the literature more conveniently, and hence helps to reduce the impact of information overload. In addition, knowledge-based search systems need mechanisms for structured, semantic-rich representation and effective use of biomedical knowledge extracted from the available data.

With the emergence of unprecedented volumes of biomedical publications as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which appear in pre-publication research repositories such as medRxiv and bioRxiv, this workshop will solicit work that address timely and pressing research challenges at the intersection of Knowledge Representation and Semantics for the purpose of searching biomedical literature. We are also interested in semantic-based retrieval techniques that enhance biomedical knowledge synthesis and systematic literature review. The topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Topics of Interest

    knowledge representation and semantics for biomedical literature retrieval
    Knowledge graphs in biomedical search
    Biomedical knowledge source integration
    Biomedical knowledge graph construction and embedding
    Biomedical ontologies in search
    Semantic features in biomedical literature classification and ranking
    Learning to rank biomedical literature
    Semantics and Search for biomedical knowledge synthesis and systematic literature review
    Entity linking and semantic annotation in biomedical texts
    Datasets, metrics, and evaluation
    Knowledge discovery / synthesis from literature
    Biomedical literature retrieval for the systematic review process
    Search and semantics of the publication process (reviewing,quality assurance, discovering (self ) plagiarism)
    Knowledge integration from multilingual Biomedical literature
    Biomedical literature datasets, such as CORD-19 and evaluation methods
    Search and semantic tools for knowledge synthesis, and systematic reviews

Submission Instructions


All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

All workshop papers should be no more than 8 pages in length. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Workshop papers must be self-contained and in English.

Papers must be submitted at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=sebilan2021


Workshop Organizers
    Berry de Bruijn: Senior research officer at the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa Ontario.
    Faezeh Ensan: Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering at Ryerson University,Toronto, Canada.
    Jelena Jovanovic: Professor at the Department of Software Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Amal Zouaq: Associate Professor at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and an IVADO professor.

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