[DL] FBK International PhD Program - PhD positions available

Ines Campo inecampo at fbk.eu
Fri May 29 11:13:27 CEST 2020

This is to inform you that some positions are available at FBK, Trento -

 You will find them in https://phd.fbk.eu/calls/

We would be very grateful if you could disseminate this information through
your channels.
For more information about our exclusive International PhD Program, please
visit: https://phd.fbk.eu/, or write to phd-info at fbk.eu.

With our best regards,
Ines Campo

Dr. Ines Campo

PhD Program

_FBK vi invita a leggere il suo Piano di rientro 
| FBK invites you to read its Premises Reopening Plan 

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