[DL] PhD position in Coalgebraic Model Checking at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Lutz Schröder lutz.schroeder at fau.de
Tue Sep 24 17:34:11 CEST 2019

We are pleased to announce an opening for a fully funded three-year PhD 
position (E-13 on the German TV-L scale, full time, no teaching 
obligation) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 
located at the Chair of Theoretical Computer Science. The position is 
within the new DFG project "Coalgebraic Model Checking", with Stefan 
Milius and Lutz Schröder as PIs and with Daniel Hausmann collaborating 
on a second project position. The aim of the project is to develop a 
generic framework for model checking a wide variety of logics beyond the 
standard relational setting, such as probabilistic, graded, or 
alternating-time logics, based on the successful paradigm of coalgebraic 

The position is embedded into a large and active research group with a 
highly collaborative spirit, see https://www8.cs.fau.de/ for more 
details. Erlangen's technical campus is situated within pleasant 
Franconia, and close to the vibrant city of Nuremberg. Please send 
applications or further inquiries to the PIs at

      stefan.milius at fau.de   or
      lutz.schroeder at fau.de

Best wishes,

Lutz and Stefan

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