[DL] Postdoctoral Research Positions

Wolter, Frank wolter at liverpool.ac.uk
Wed Apr 10 20:20:13 CEST 2019

Two Postdoctoral Researchers for EPSRC-funded research project "quantMD: Ontology-Based Management of Many-Dimensional Quantitative Data" (1 October 2019 - 30 September 2022)

We are seeking to recruit two Postdoctoral Researchers for the new EPSRC-funded research project "quantMD: Ontology-Based Management of Many-Dimensional Quantitative Data", under the direction of Professor Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool) and Professor Michael Zakharyaschev (Birkbeck, University of London).

The successful applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related discipline and research experience in one (or more) of the following areas:

- description logic

- modal logic

- temporal logic

- logic in computer science

- mathematical logic

- database theory

- automata theory

Your research tasks on the project will include developing and investigating new logic-based formalisms for representing knowledge about temporal quantitative data (for example, data from sensors) and designing efficient algorithms for query answering. The project will include both theoretical and practical components, and you can contribute to either of them. In the theoretical part, we are interested in quantitative temporal ontology languages, many-dimensional combinations of temporal and description (or other) logics, quantitative temporal query languages. More practical work concerns the implementation of query answering algorithms and research on case studies in collaboration with our partners at the Free University of Bolzano and Ontopic (Italy), Siemens (Germany), Sirius (Norway), J. Pilsudski Institute (US), and Siris Academic (Spain).

Liverpool team: Prof Frank Wolter, Prof B Konev and Dr M Zimmerman

London team: Prof M Zakharyaschev, Dr R Kontchakov and Dr Vlad Ryzhikov

Salary range in Liverpool:  £34,188 - £39,610 per annum

Salary range in London: £37,912 - £43,333 per annum.

The start date of the project is October 1, 2019. Interviews will be held in the second half of May.

Informal inquiries on the role can be made by email to

Professor Frank Wolter via wolter at liverpool.ac.uk<mailto:wolter at liverpool.ac.uk><mailto:wolter at liverpool.ac.uk>

Professor Michael Zakharyaschev via michael at dcs.bbk.ac.uk<mailto:michael at dcs.bbk.ac.uk><mailto:michael at dcs.bbk.ac.uk>

Formal application

Liverpool: job reference 011437 at https://recruit.liverpool.ac.uk

London: https://cis7.bbk.ac.uk/vacancy/postdoctoral-researcher--383691.html

Closing Date: 05-May-2019

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