[DL] CfP: HiDeST at KI 2018 (from Theofilos Mailis)

Thomas Schneider tschneider at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Tue May 22 15:04:38 CEST 2018

                     CALL FOR PAPERS

                        HiDeSt 2018

                    Second Workshop on
          High-Level Declarative Stream Processing

               held in conjunction with the
            41th German AI conference KI 2018
           (September 24-28th, Berlin, Germany)



  Stream processing as an information processing paradigm
  appears in various applications and has been investigated
  by various research communities within computer science.
  Next to algorithmic oriented research on low-level stream
  processing (e.g., for sensor networks), stream-related
  research of recent years resulted also in declarative
  stream processing frameworks, which are in the focus of
  this workshop. Declarative stream processing frameworks
  such as data stream management systems or systems for
  complex event processing (CEP) provide amongst other
  things stream query languages with a clear-cut semantics.
  The progress of technologies and computer science as a
  whole has brought up new challenges for stream processing
  that call for the modelling of knowledge and the construction
  of query engines which account for the knowledge. In
  ontology-based streams access (OBSA) as needed, e.g., in
  Semantic Web, queries are answered over data streams that
  contain declarative assertions with symbols from an
  ontology. Query answering now has to incorporate reasoning
  over the ontology in order to guarantee completeness of the
  set of answers. Also context-aware reasoning for streams or
  CEP have to incorporate some form of reasoning in order to
  deal with the consequences that the context/entity models
  have for the set of query answers. The aim of this workshop
  is to foster research on high-level declarative stream
  processing in research areas such as OBSA, CEP, and
  context-aware stream processing, paying attention to the
  common ideas, concepts, methods.

  Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  * Query processing on streams
  * Stream reasoning
  * Ontology based data access on streams or temporal data
  * Context aware processing on streams
  * Complex event processing
  * Event recognition on streams
  * RDF/Linked Data stream processing
  * Data stream management systems
  * Pervasive computing
  * Benchmarking for querying/reasoning on streams
  * Real-time processing for diagnostics, prediction,


  * Submission deadline for abstracts papers is June 22,2018
  * Submission deadline for short and long papers is June 29,
  * Long papers are expected to have 8-12 pages
    (excluding references)
  * Short papers can be extended abstracts, position papers,
    demo descriptions, or overviews on recent results in your
    research group, and are expected to have 4-6 pages
    (excluding references)
  * The papers have to be formatted in the LNCS style and
    written in Latex (preferred) or Word. Word and Latex
    templates can be found here:
  * Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on July 27,
  * The final version of the papers is due August 10, 2018
  * Accepted papers will be made available electronically: the
    proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online
  * Accepted papers have to be presented orally by (at least)
    one of the authors in an 15-20  minutes talk (followed by
    a 5-10 minutes discussion). The presenting author has to
    register for the KI'18 conference.

  Abstracts and submissions must be uploaded via EasyChair at:


 Abstract submission:  June 22, 2018
 Full/Short paper submission:  June 29, 2018
 Notification of acceptance:  July 27, 2018
 Camera Ready Version:  August 10, 2018
 Workshop date:  September 25, 2018
 Registration KI'18:  tba


 Patrick Koopmann  Technical University of Dresden
 Theofilos Mailis  Technical University of University of Athens
 Danh Le Phuoc  Technical University of Berlin

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