[DL] CFP: KI2018 -- German AI conference (first call)

Anni-Yasmin Turhan anni-yasmin.turhan at tu-dresden.de
Thu Jan 18 16:58:26 CET 2018

[Apologies for multiple copies of this CFP]


KI2018 - The 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence

September 24-28th, 2018, Berlin, Germany



KI2018 is the 41st edition of the German Conference on Artificial 
Intelligence organized in cooperation with the AI chapter of the German 
Computer Science society. KI traditionally brings together academic and 
industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place 
for exchanging news and research results of intelligent system 
technology. The technical program of KI2018 comprises paper 
presentations as well as tutorials, workshops, and a doctoral consortium.


Full/Short Paper Submission: May 7th, 2018
  Notification of Acceptance: June 15th, 2018
           Final Version Due: July 2nd,

Workshop, Tutorials, and Doctoral Consortium: will be announced in a 
separate call


You are invited to submit original research and application papers on 
all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following:

* Agent-based and multi-agent systems
* AI applications and innovations
* Belief change
* Cognitive modelling, AI and psychology
* Commonsense reasoning
* Computer vision
* Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization
* Diagnosis and configuration
* Evolutionary computation
* Game playing and interactive entertainment
* Information retrieval, integration, and extraction
* Knowledge engineering and ontologies
* Knowledge representation and reasoning
* Knowledge discovery and data mining
* Machine learning
* Multidisciplinary AI
* Natural language processing
* Nonmonotonic reasoning and default logics
* Philosophical foundations of AI
* Planning and scheduling
* Recommender systems
* Robotics
* Uncertainty in AI
* Web and information systems

We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on 
the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring 
useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science 
into AI.


We invite papers, which have to be in English and formatted according to 
the Springer LNCS style, in the following two categories

Full technical papers (12 pages max., excluding references) are expected 
to report on new research that makes a substantial technical 
contribution to the field. Additional details may be included in an 
appendix, which, however, will be read at the discretion of the PC. 
Technical communications (6 pages max., excluding references) can report 
on research in progress or other issues of interest to the AI community. 
Examples of work suitable for technical communication paper submissions 
include novel ideas whose scope is not large enough for a full paper; 
important implementation techniques; novel interesting benchmark 
problems; short experimental studies; interesting applications that are 
not yet completely solved or analysed; position or challenge papers. 
Technical communication submissions are especially invited for software 
demonstration or PhD work in progress.
Submission will be through the EasyChair conference management system. 
All papers will be subject to blind peer review based on the standard 
criteria of relevance, the significance of results, originality of 
ideas, soundness, and quality of the presentation. If you have used the 
EasyChair conference management system before, you can use the same 
username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you 
will need to register for an account by clicking ‘I have no EasyChair 
account’ button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a 
notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your 
paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the 
submission due date. Paper submission is electronic. To submit, please 
prepare a PDF file of your paper, a short abstract in plain text, and a 
list of two to five keywords. Submission is possible via the following link:


All accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings 
and will be presented at the conference. The KI 2018 proceedings will be 
published by Springer as a volume of the LNAI series (Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence). At least one author of each accepted paper 
must register for the conference and present the contribution.

The most outstanding submission will be recognized with a best paper 
award at the conference.


General Chair
* Sahin Albayrak, TU Berlin

Programm Chairs
* Frank Trollmann, TU Berlin
* Anni-Yasmin Turhan, TU Dresden


* Springer-Verlag GmbH
* Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

PD Dr.-Ing. Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Post-doc Research and Teaching Fellow

Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Computer Science
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Chair of Automata Theory
01062 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (351) 463-39167
Fax: +49 (351) 463-37959
E-Mail: Anni-Yasmin.Turhan at tu-dresden.de

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