[DL] Postdoc / PhD position at University of Bremen

Carsten Lutz clu at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Mon Mar 13 18:09:00 CET 2017

The University of Bremen, Department 3 (Mathematics and Computer
Science), invites applications for one

Research Assistant / Postdoc / PhD Student position
in Computer Science - Salary Scale TV-L 13 (100%)

Under the usual reserve of the formal approval of the vacancy by the
University of Bremen, the position is to be filled as soon as possible.

The position is associated with the research group "theory of
artificial intelligence", led by Carsten Lutz, which carries out
research on description logic, ontology languages, database theory,
and logic in computer science. The position is funded by the
University of Bremen (Landesstelle) and is associated with teaching
duties of 4h per week (SWS); teaching is mostly in German language.

The position is suited for Postdocs as well as for PhD students and
can be used for scientific qualification (PhD, habilitiation). The
successful candidate will reinforce the research group both in
teaching and research. (S)he is expected to support the introductory
lectures on theoretical computer science given by the group. Depending
on qualification, it is also possible to offer own lectures.

The position requires a PhD in computer science, logic, or mathematics
or a comparable qualification. Good knowledge of at least one of the
relevant research areas is mandatory.

The University of Bremen aims to increase the proportion of female
employees in science. Therefore women are particularly encouraged to

Priority will be given to disabled persons in case of equal
professional and personal qualification.

Please send your application by March 31st, 2017, quoting the vacancy ID
A42/17 to

Prof. Dr. Carsten Lutz
Fachbereich 3
Universität Bremen
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen

or in electronic form (preferred) to hederich at uni-bremen.de.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

We kindly ask you to send us only copies of your application documents
(no folders) because they will not be returned for economic reasons.

For further information, please contact Carsten Lutz, +49 (0)421
218-64431, clu at uni-bremen.de.

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