[DL] Data Scientist at Drexel University Center for Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI)

CFP Conference cfp.conference2016 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 1 20:44:23 CET 2017

The Center for Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI) is a multi-university
industry research center established as an Industry/University Cooperative
Research Center (I/UCRC) under the National Science Foundation (NSF). We
are currently looking for a Data Scientist to market and recruit industry
partners, provide technical leadership, manage day-to-day operations at the
Drexel site, and communications and outreach.


* PhD in computer science, or statistics or a Masters in the same with a
minimum of 4 years' postgraduate experience, with a focus on data mining,
data visualization, machine learning.
* Demonstrated expertise in developing and using data mining, machine
learning and predictive modeling methods. Experience in hands-on
processing, representation, and transformation of information datasets
using commercial tools and/or domain-specific tools.
* Demonstrated ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams, displaying
excellent interpersonal skills.
* Strong organizational and communication skills (both written and oral),
with the ability to liaise with scientists and external collaborators at
all levels, especially with industry partners.
* Works effectively with peers, management, operations groups, and outside

Job duty

1. Marketing and Recruiting Industry Partners. Candidate will assist the
CVDI director to manage and grow the Drexel CVDI site, develop plan to
maintain existing CVDI members, recruit new members, engage and communicate
with other CVDI sites and industry members,

2. Technical Leadership. As part of the core big data group/CVDI leadership
team at Drexel, the candidate will develop innovative, reusable, and
scalable solutions and have a part in identifying applications across the
industry sections, Develop analytics solutions aligned with business focus
and priorities, by leveraging standard tools and domain experts. Candidate
will generate innovative ideas, establish new research directions, and
define and execute on technical projects. Specifically, candidate will
develop, propose and lead CVDI projects as a PI for Drexel. Candidate will
work effectively with cross-functional teams and technical leads to
determine, define, and deploy analytics solutions to meet business goals.
Evaluate business objectives, determine stakeholder needs, and identify
requirements. Choose best fit methods, define algorithms, validate, and
deploy models to achieve business results. Perform necessary data
preparation and enhancements to models

3. Business Growth. Candidate will have the opportunity to contribute to
advanced analytics projects across business units including healthcare;
digital publication; medicine; e-business and security; supply chain &
operations; engineering, test, and technology; information technology.
Example project areas include social media in big data, anomaly detection,
computer animation, and data visualization.

If interested, pls submit the application through




at the same time, pls email your CV and cover letter to xh29 at drexel.edu.


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