[DL] Call for Tutorials at Web Science 2016

gadiraju gadiraju at l3s.de
Wed Sep 23 14:22:15 CEST 2015

Hello everyone,

Here is the first call for tutorials at the 8th International ACM Web 
Science 2016 conference.

### Apologies for Cross-Posting ###

**************************************  CALL FOR TUTORIALS  
TUTORIALS AT WEB SCIENCE 2016 (www.websci16.org)

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015
Proposal Submission Email: websci2016tutorials at googlegroups.com
Notification of acceptance: December 10, 2015
Tutorials will be held on 22 May 2016 in Hannover, Germany.

WebSci is seeking proposals for tutorials about tools, techniques, and 
research methodologies that allow Web Scientists to analyze and 
understand phenomena on the Web. Given the interdisciplinary nature of 
the WebSci community, consisting of experts in Computer Science, Social 
Science and Engineering, we specifically aim for tutorials which either 
introduce technical topics, methods and tools to a non-technical 
audience or present social science methods and theories to a more 
technical audience. Tutorials may provide, for instance, an in depth 
look at an emerging technique, method or software package or a broad 
summary of an important direction in the field.
The tutorial format will be entirely determined by the tutorial 
organizers. We will favor tutorials embed hands-on experiences, 
collaborative approaches, and interactivity above tutorials that provide 
only frontal lectures. We are looking for contributions from experts 
from different disciplines such as social science, computer science, 
physics and economics.

Proposals for tutorials should be no more than four (4) pages in length 
(10pt, single column, with reasonable margins), written in English, and 
should include the following:
Tutorial title and summary. A short description (500 words max) of the 
scope main objective of the tutorial that will be published on the main 
WebSci website.
Names, affiliations, emails, and personal websites of the tutorial 
organizers. A main contact author should be specified. A typical 
proposal should include no more than four co-organizers.
Duration. The tutorial duration can range between two hours to the full 
day, depending on the type of activities scheduled. The Tutorial Chair 
might conditionally accept a proposal and suggest a different duration 
to best fit the organization of the whole event.
Tutorial schedule and activities. A description of the proposed tutorial 
format, a schedule of the proposed activities (e.g., presentations, 
interactive sessions) along with a *detailed* description for each of 
them. The tutor(s) for each activity should be specified as well.
Target audience, prerequisites and outcomes. A description of the target 
audience, the prerequisite skill set for the attendee as well as a list 
of goals for the tutor to accomplish by the end of the tutorial.
Expected number of attendees. This is required for logistics planning.
Material available on the tutorial website. The organizers of accepted 
tutorials are encouraged to set up on their own a web page containing 
all the information for the tutorial attendees before the tutorial day. 
The proposal should contain a detailed list of the material that will be 
made available on the website.
Precedent [when available]: If the authors of the proposal have 
organized other tutorials in the past, pointers to the relevant material 
(e.g., slides, videos, web pages, code) should be provided.
Special requirements [when needed]: A list of equipment and that needs 
to be made available by conference organizers (other than wifi, a 
projector, and a regular workshop room setup).

Submissions must be in PDF to the submission email 
(websci2016tutorials at googlegroups.com). Pre-submission questions can be 
sent to the chair at the following address: claudia.wagner at gesis.org

The full conference fee will be waived to the tutorial organizers.

Tutorials proposal submission deadline: December 1, 2015
Tutorials acceptance notification: December 10, 2015
Tutorial sites and materials online: February 1, 2016
WebSci Tutorials Day: 22 May, 2016

Tutorial Chair: Claudia Wagner (GESIS & Univ. Koblenz-⁠Landau)


Best Regards,

Ujwal Gadiraju

L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover

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