[DL] AI2015 Call for Workshops

Jiangjun Tang J.Tang at adfa.edu.au
Mon May 18 06:01:36 CEST 2015

2015 Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Call for Workshop Proposals

The 28th Australasian Joint Conference on AI (AI2015: http://ai2015.unsw.adfa.edu.au/) is being held this year in Canberra, Australia on 2-4 December. The conference organisers invite proposals for workshops to be held on 1 December 2015 at the same venue as the main conference.

Workshops on new and emerging topics, applications, and on broader topics catering to the broader community are particularly encouraged. Workshops can be half-day or full-day. The AI 2015 organisers will provide lunch, tea and coffee, room and projector.

Proposals for workshops must be submitted as a single PDF via email to the Workshop Chair workshop.chair-ai2015 at adfa.edu.au<mailto:workshop.chair-ai2015 at adfa.edu.au> by 1 June 2015. Proposals must justify relevance and impact of the intended workshop. We encourage workshop organisers to contact the workshop chair before this date to discuss suitability of the proposed workshop. Proposals will be reviewed by the workshop chair and conference chairs.

Important Dates:



Proposal deadline:

1 June 2015


1 July 2015

Submission Details:

Proposals should include the following information:

*         Workshop title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic and content.

*         The names, titles, affiliations, and primary contact emails of the proposed workshop organisers.

*         Names and bios of any invited speakers and indication of whether they have agreed to speak.

*         Preference for half- or full-day workshop.

*         Description of relevance to AI 2015 and impact.

*         Topics that will be covered and rough program.

*         Anticipated target audience as well as expected number of attendees.

*         A preliminary workshop agenda.

*         Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards, and place for post publication

Workshop Schedule:



Workshop proposals due

1 June 2015

Notification of accepted workshops

1 July 2015

Individual Workshop web pages and CFPs due

15 July 2015

Workshop paper submissions (reviewing to be arranged by workshop organisers)

15 September 2015

Workshop paper notification (allowing early registration of authors)

15 October 2015


1 December 2015

More information can be found on the conference website http://ai2015.unsw.adfa.edu.au<http://ai2015.unsw.adfa.edu.au/>

Workshop Chair:

Dr. Stephen Gould, Research School of Computer Science, ANU, workshop.chair-ai2015 at adfa.edu.au<mailto:workshop.chair-ai2015 at adfa.edu.au>

PO Box 7916, CANBERRA BC 2610, Australia
Web: http://unsw.adfa.edu.au

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